The impact of a variety of factors on the obesity associated gut microbiota

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Clarke, Siobhan F.
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
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The obesity pandemic has become perhaps the most prevalent health issue of our time, with more than 10% of the world’s population now being obese. Obesity can be defined as abnormal or excess fat accumulation that may impair health and results from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. A decrease in physical activity due to an increase in sedentary forms of work, changing modes of transport and increasing urbanization is likely a major contributory factor. Diet is another major factor with the increased availability and intake of calorie dense, high fat foods being of global concern. Notably, with respect to this thesis, over the last decade advances in the field of next generation sequencing (NGS) have facilitated investigations to determine the relationship between the gut microbiota and obesity. This thesis examines the impact of a variety of factors on the obesity associated gut microbiota. Overall the results presented in this thesis highlight that microbial diversity is influenced by diet, exercise, antibiotics and disease state, however it is only through further understanding of the structure and function that we can identify targets that can impact on health.
Obesity , Gut microbiota
Clarke, S. F. 2013. The impact of a variety of factors on the obesity associated gut microbiota. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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