The s-mote: a versatile heterogeneous multi-radio platform for wireless sensor networks applications

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Popovici, Emanuel M.
Boyle, David
O'Connell, Seán
Faul, Stephen
Angove, Philip
Buckley, John
O'Flynn, Brendan
Barton, John
Ó Mathúna, S. Cian
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper presents a novel architecture and its implementation for a versatile, miniaturised mote which can communicate concurrently using a variety of combinations of ISM bands, has increased processing capability, and interoperability with mainstream GSM technology. All these features are integrated in a small form factor platform. The platform can have many configurations which could satisfy a variety of applications’ constraints. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first integrated platform of this type reported in the literature. The proposed platform opens the way for enhanced levels of Quality of Service (QoS), with respect to reliability, availability and latency, in addition to facilitating interoperability and power reduction compared to existing platforms. The small form factor also allows potential of integration with other mobile platforms including smart phones.
Multi radio , Mote platforms , Embedded systems
Popovici, E., Boyle, D., Connell, S. O., Faul, S., Angove, P., Buckley, J., Flynn, B. O., Barton, J. and Mathúna, C. O. 'The s-Mote: A versatile heterogeneous multi-radio platform for wireless sensor networks applications'. 2011 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 29-31 Aug. 2011, 421-424. doi: 10.1109/ECCTD.2011.6043376
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