From: O'Riordan, Maeve Sent: 03 May 2017 11:40 To: CORA Institutional Repository Subject: PhD digital access Hello there, My PhD is held in the CORA repository. It is currently under contract for publication, but not out yet. Would it be possible to extent the restriction of digital access for another year to ensure that it does not jepoardise publication? Home, family and society : wome n of the Irish landed class ... cora.ucc.i e Citation: O'Riordan , M. 2014. Home, family and society: women of the Irish landed class, 1860- 1914. A Munster case study. PhD Thesis, University College Cork. Many thanks, Maeve Dr Maeve O'Riordan Coordinator MA in Women's Studies Academic Director ACE Certificate & Diploma in Women's Studies Lecturer Women's Studies Women's Studies c/o History Department Tyrconnell Perrott Avenue University College Cork