From: Herlihy, Breeda on behalf of CORA Institutional Repository Sent: 18 May 2017 09:40 To: MG O Brien Subject: RE: Abstract Submission Attachments: UCCThesisDepositLicence.pdf Dear Mary, As I haven’t heard back from you and today is the deadline for the Summer conferring, I have gone with option 1 below. Your submission is now with the Graduate Studies Office in the CORA workflow. I agreed to the Thesis deposit licence (attached here) on your behalf. If you have any questions on any of this, please get in touch. Best regards, Breeda Breeda Herlihy | Manager - Institutional Repository | Research and Digital Services | Boole Library | University College Cork, Ireland + 353 (0) 21 420 5109 | , | Cork Open Research Archive | University College Cork is named The Sunday Times University of the Year 2016 and 2017: From: Herlihy, Breeda On Behalf Of CORA Institutional Repository Sent: 16 May 2017 15:17 To: MG O Brien Cc: Buckley, Helen Subject: RE: Abstract Submission Dear Mary, Thanks for your e-mail. I’m sorry to hear that you have experienced issues with CORA this morning. It may be related to the browser you are using as we have noticed problems with Internet Explorer. I see on CORA that you have started your submission and all of the details you have listed in your email are on the form. I can do the submission on your behalf but I need to clarify which of the following you wish to happen 1. Submit an abstract to CORA and decision to withhold form ( to the Graduate Studies Office with your hard bound thesis. E-thesis is not archived on CORA. 2. Submit an abstract and e-thesis to CORA. E-thesis is archived on CORA but online access is restricted to everyone for 3 years as per your embargo request in CORA. E-thesis files can be provided to us in the Library by memory stick, upload of files to dropbox or by ftp transfer. A Decision to Withhold form is not required by the Graduate Studies Office when you submit your thesis. If you can let me know which option you’d like to go with, I can make the submission in CORA if you are happy with that. Apologies again for the difficulties you have experienced with CORA. Best regards, Breeda Breeda Herlihy | Manager - Institutional Repository | Research and Digital Services | Boole Library | University College Cork, Ireland + 353 (0) 21 420 5109 | , | Cork Open Research Archive | University College Cork is named The Sunday Times University of the Year 2016 and 2017: From: MG O Brien [] Sent: 16 May 2017 14:16 To: CORA Institutional Repository Subject: Abstract Submission Dear Sir/Madam, I have been trying to upload my abstract to Cora all morning and the site keeps crashing. Please find my abstract enclosed. I will submit a printed embargo form with my thesis tomorrow. Mary Geraldine O Brien Department of Music Lecturer: Mr John Godfrey Title: From 'Nothing' to 'Something': A Compositional Evolution through Time, Media and Space Keywords: Composition; Composing; Music; Art; Photography; Animation; Video; John Cage; Nothing; Something Abstract With thanks Mary 087 6417571 NB: The Full Thesis contains music, video, pictures, animations etc. The files are huge and are on a memory stick.