From: Dooley, Brendan Sent: 14 September 2016 18:15 To: CORA Institutional Repository Subject: Re: new books Splendid. I'll look forward to assigning it. BD From: Herlihy, Breeda on behalf of CORA Institutional Repository Sent: 14 September 2016 16:47:42 To: Dooley, Brendan Subject: RE: new books Dear Brendan, Thanks for getting back. The guidelines I’ve come across which are not very explicit seem to indicate that where the epub is free to download from Google Play, then one can do whatever with it. Your book while available in full text on Google Books is not available to download from Google Play as far as I could ascertain. I’m happy to go ahead and archive it on CORA. If Google have issues, then we will follow our take down notice. Best regards, Breeda From: Dooley, Brendan Sent: 14 September 2016 16:27 To: CORA Institutional Repository Subject: Re: new books That's a good point-- but it would require some serious digging. On the other hand Google made the book freely available on their site, and I am the copyright holder (as it says on p. 1); then the question would be what the general rules of Google are for books on their site-- which I haven't researched yet yours Brendan From: Herlihy, Breeda on behalf of CORA Institutional Repository Sent: 14 September 2016 16:24:28 To: Dooley, Brendan Subject: FW: new books Dear Brendan, Many thanks for submitting your book to CORA for inclusion in the repository. This is the first such deposit of a book digitized by Google to CORA. I wanted to check if you have that correspondence you mention from Google from a few years back. I would be interested to know if Google had set any terms and conditions on the reuse of the scanned book. Best regards, Breeda Breeda Herlihy | Manager - Institutional Repository | Research and Digital Services | Boole Library | University College Cork, Ireland + 353 (0) 21 420 5109 | , | Cork Open Research Archive University College Cork is named The Sunday Times University of the Year 2016: From: Madden, Ronan Sent: 06 September 2016 12:43 To: Dooley, Brendan Cc: Herlihy, Breeda Subject: RE: new books Hi Brendan, I wonder if our own institutional repository (CORA) might offer a potential solution? You’d need to be the copyright holder of course, and you’d need to have an electronic copy of the work. I’m copying Breeda Herlihy in Research & Digital Services who manages the repository. Regards, Ronan Ronan Madden Acquisitions Librarian, Boole Library, University College Cork, Ireland +353 (0)21 4902918 | |Booleweb |@RonanPMadden University College Cork is named The Sunday Times University of the Year 2016: From: Dooley, Brendan Sent: 06 September 2016 12:27 To: Madden, Ronan Subject: Re: new books Right. I noted Harvard is including Google Books links fn=search&doc=HVD_ALEPH005861823&indx=1&recIds=HVD_ALEPH005861823&recIdxs=0&el ementId=0&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&frbg=&rfnGrpCounter= 1&vl(51615747UI0)=any&vl(1UI0)=contains&dscnt=0&scp.scps=scope%3A%28HVD_FGDC%29% 2Cscope%3A%28HVD%29%2Cscope%3A%28HVD_VIA%29%2Cprimo_central_multiple_fe&tb=t &vid=HVD&mode=Basic&fctV=Zeno%2C+Apostolo%2C+1668- 1750&rfnGrp=1&srt=rank&tab=everything&vl(394521272UI1)=all_items&fctN=facet_creator&v l(freeText0)=zeno%2C&dum=true&dstmp=1473160219580 but that's another matter I suppose. I corresponded with Google Books years ago to have them include the full text because I own the copyright (as noted on the back of the title page of the book)-- also because another firm had tried to sell a pirate edition on Amazon. The only hard copy is in the UK. BD From: Madden, Ronan Sent: 06 September 2016 10:40:22 To: Dooley, Brendan Cc: Philpott, Caroline Subject: RE: new books Hi Brendan, I asked my colleague Caroline Philpott, Cataloguing & Metadata Services Librarian. At the moment they don’t add open source material to the catalogue, and would be reluctant to use this link on the OPAC. Is there another version that could be linked to e.g. in a repository? Kind regards, Ronan Ronan Madden Acquisitions Librarian, Boole Library, University College Cork, Ireland +353 (0)21 4902918 | |Booleweb |@RonanPMadden University College Cork is named The Sunday Times University of the Year 2016: From: Dooley, Brendan Sent: 02 September 2016 19:52 To: Madden, Ronan Subject: new books Hi Ronan, could we include the following in the card catalogue please? %20italy%20in%20the%20baroque&pg=PR3#v=onepage&q&f=false I use it a lot for students thanks Brendan