Scenario: A Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research. Vol. I Issue 02

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    The madness of imagining new worlds
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2007) Ariza, Mercedes; Giovanna Biscu, Maria; Isabel Fernándes García, María; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    This paper presents some reflections that emerged from a research project developed in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna. This three-stage project was based on language mediator training and the teaching/acquisition of intercultural communicative competence through theatre. During an eight-month workshop, a group of Italian students – beginners in Spanish – engaged in a series of extracurricular activities, resulting in the public performance of a play written in verse by Lope de Vega. Under the researchers’ supervision, students analysed the play from a linguistic and (inter)cultural perspective, giving special emphasis to the discovery of the other, the encounter of the Old and the New World and the miscommunication caused by lack of understanding in intercultural situations. All these aspects helped students to explore a wide range of verbal and nonverbal communicative strategies, as well as to increase their foreign language proficiency and develop empathy. The in-depth analysis of the play and of the emblematic character of Columbus, whose imagination is capable of inventing new worlds even before discovering them, showed students that the real shipwreck in intercultural encounters is incommunicability itself and that, in order to communicate, one needs to be an ‘apostate translator’. This paper presents some reflections that emerged from a research project developed in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna. This three-stage project was based on language mediator training and the teaching/acquisition of intercultural communicative competence through theatre. During an eight-month workshop, a group of Italian students – beginners in Spanish – engaged in a series of extracurricular activities, resulting in the public performance of a play written in verse by Lope de Vega. Under the researchers’ supervision, students analysed the play from a linguistic and (inter)cultural perspective, giving special emphasis to the discovery of the other, the encounter of the Old and the New World and the miscommunication caused by lack of understanding in intercultural situations. All these aspects helped students to explore a wide range of verbal and nonverbal communicative strategies, as well as to increase their foreign language proficiency and develop empathy. The in-depth analysis of the play and of the emblematic character of Columbus, whose imagination is capable of inventing new worlds even before discovering them, showed students that the real shipwreck in intercultural encounters is incommunicability itself and that, in order to communicate, one needs to be an ‘apostate translator’.
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    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2007) Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
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    Playback Theatre
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2007) Feldhendler, Daniel; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    Playback Theatre (PT) was created in New York State (USA) in 1975. As a particular form of interactive theatre, PT strives to encourage dialogue and create connections among people. In his article, the author introduces the method’s basic forms and practical implementations as employed in his teaching at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main (Germany). A brief historical overview highlights the paths of his own practice-based research. The aim of his innovative courses is to methodologically integrate theatre, psychodrama, sociodrama, supervision, coaching, and bibliographical work. The article shows how, through action methods, active self-reflection can encourage autonomy and self-determination in post-secondary education. Moreover, the author investigates how PT can be useful both for mediation and for sensitization in multicultural situations. Further examples show how these innovative forms can be implemented in teacher training and EU projects in order to foster the development of democratic participation in linguistic, cultural, and aesthetic education. Playback Theatre (PT) was created in New York State (USA) in 1975. As a particular form of interactive theatre, PT strives to encourage dialogue and create connections among people. In his article, the author introduces the method’s basic forms and practical implementations as employed in his teaching at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main (Germany). A brief historical overview highlights the paths of his own practice-based research. The aim of his innovative courses is to methodologically integrate theatre, psychodrama, sociodrama, supervision, coaching, and bibliographical work. The article shows how, through action methods, active self-reflection can encourage autonomy and self-determination in post-secondary education. Moreover, the author investigates how PT can be useful both for mediation and for sensitization in multicultural situations. Further examples show how these innovative forms can be implemented in teacher training and EU projects in order to foster the development of democratic participation in linguistic, cultural, and aesthetic education.
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    The stage by the sea
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2007) Ransmayr, Christoph; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    Contemporary Austrian author ChristophRansmayr takes us to a place on the South Irish coast where, amidst beautiful nature, there is music and dance under the open skies, and staging is accomplished with the simplest means. There, active participation in performing arts is experienced as a natural and integral component of everyday existence; it lightens personal loads and supports the coastal inhabitants’ courage to face life.
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    System und Bedeutung: Zum Kulturtheater in Deutschland
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2007) Hajduk, Stefan; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    Das deutsche Theater zeichnet sich durch sein flächendeckendes System kommunaler Bühnen in öffentlicher Trägerschaft aus. Die weitgehend aus Steuergeldern geleistete Finanzierung wirft indes immer wieder Fragen nach der gesellschaftlichen Funktion und gesamtkulturellen Bedeutung auf. Diese lassen sich adäquat nur aus einer spezifischen Nationalgeschichte verstehen, in der ästhetische Bildungsideen politische Entwicklungsstrukturen überlagert haben. Die zumal im internationalen Vergleich hohe Qualität des deutschen Kulturtheaters einerseits, seine öffentliche Wahrnehmung andrerseits weisen allerdings einen Mangel an reflexiver Funktionalität auf. Dieses Defizit an kultureller Selbstreflexion scheint selbst ein Inszenierungseffekt der Mediengesellschaft zu sein, in der Theatralität und Realität zunehmend konvergieren.