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    Gallienae Avgvstae again
    (Die Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft, 2020) Woods, David
    The emperor Gallienus (253-268) struck a series of aurei that has attracted particular attention in the modern era due to its unusual features. The common factor uniting this series is that the imperial bust on the obverse displays a highly unusual crown, a crown of wheat stalks (corona spicea).
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    Reading the inscriptions on the York group of Anglo-Saxon gold shillings
    (British Numismatic Society, 2020) Woods, David
    The main purpose of this paper is to offer a new reading (indeed, the only complete reading) of the inscription on the reverse of varieties Bii and Ci of the so-called York group of seventh-century Anglo-Saxon gold shillings.
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    On the reverse of the Liudhard ‘Medalet’
    (The Royal Numismatic Society, 2021) Woods, David
    It is argued that the reverse legend of the gold Liudhard ‘medalet’ was intended to read AMEN, AMEN and that in conjunction with the depiction of a cross on a globe, it may allude to the prayer at Psalm 71(72):18–19 that the glory of God should fill the whole earth.
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    Vespasian and Mettius Pompusianus
    (Societas Danica indagationis antiquitatis et Medii aevi, 2022) Woods, David
    Several ancient sources agree that the emperor Vespasian did not punish a certain Mettius Pompusianus when he learned that he had received an imperial horo- scope, but appointed him as consul. It is argued here that Vespasian intended his appointment of Pompusianus as consul as the fulfilment of this horoscope which was vaguer in its original language than the surviving sources suggest. This saved him from having to punish Pompusianus.
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    Rethinking the early pennies of the MONITASCORVM and SEDE types
    (British Numismatic Society, 2022) Woods, David