Scenario: A Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research. Vol. XII Issue 01
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Item Performative foreign language didactics in progress: About still images and the teacher as ‘Formmeister’ (form master)(Department of German, University College Cork, 2018) Schewe, Manfred; Woodhouse, Fionn; Schewe, Manfred; Even, SusanneThis contribution focuses on performative teaching practice. After a brief introduction in which reference is made to an increasing performative orientation in education and the innovative concept of Performative Foreign Language Didactics, the idea of the teacher as ‘Formmeister’ (Form Master) is presented. The authors then focus on the still image as a concrete example of the wide range of forms that can be derived from the performative arts and gainfully utilised in pedagogical contexts. They outline the general characteristics, function and effect of still images and, via film clips based on their performative teaching practice at University College Cork, demonstrate some of the basic techniques teachers can use to access the different layers of meaning of still images.Item Foreword(Department of German, University College Cork, 2018) Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne; Schewe, Manfred; Even, SusanneItem Mehrsprachigkeit performativ in Szene gesetzt: ein diversitätsorientiertes Rap-Projekt(Department of German, University College Cork, 2018) Blutner, Stefan; Schewe, Manfred; Even, SusanneDer Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie man Sprachenunterricht so gestalten kann, dass die sprachliche Diversität von Schüler*innen wertgeschätzt und aktiv einbezogen wird. Nach einigen einführenden theoretischen Überlegungen zu Mehrsprachigkeit, Macht und Schule wird das didaktische Konzept der identitätsbezogenen Sprachenbewusstheit erläutert. Dabei handelt es sich um eine sprachenübergreifende und sprachenverbindende Kompetenz, die es Schüler*innen ermöglichen soll, sich ihrer eigenen Sprachpraktiken und Einstellungen bewusst zu werden, über die Rolle von Sprachen in der Gesellschaft zu reflektieren und ihr sprachliches Handeln kritisch und kreativ weiterzuentwickeln. Am Beispiel eines Rap-Genres namens Conscious Rap wird daraufhin verdeutlicht, wie Künstler*innen ihre sprachliche Heterogenität ausdrücken und gegen gesellschaftliche Umstände behaupten. Im Mittelpunkt steht abschließend ein Unterrichtsprojekt, in dem Schüler*innen den Weg von der Betrachtung ihrer sprachlichen Umwelt über die Analyse von Rapsongs hin zur eigenen Kreation einer mehrsprachigen Performance einschlagen.Item Learning through dynamic tensions in a performance-based service-learning course(Department of German, University College Cork, 2018) Bloom, Melanie; Schewe, Manfred; Even, SusanneTension is described as a “key quality in drama” (Kao & O’Neill 1987: 28), but is it also an essential quality of drama as pedagogy? The present descriptive case study (Merriam 2009) explores the concept of tension and how and when it arose in a performance-based, service-learning course in Spanish. Student-produced documents as well as teacher-researcher observations were used to analyze the role of tension in the course. Results suggest that while the tensions students experienced evolved over the course of the semester, students remained engaged in the learning process.Item ‘My language is part of your country’(Department of German, University College Cork, 2018) Bastian, André; Schewe, Manfred; Even, SusanneYouth disengagement is closely linked to current phenomena of (Islamic) radicalization in Western societies and beyond. Therefore, substantial funding is dedicated to ‘de-radicalization programs’ such as the ‘Aarhus Model’ within the Danish de-radicalization ‘Action Plan’ (2009–). Providing support for finishing school, housing and work to ‘would-be fighters’ in conflict zones of the Middle East offers an alternative to punitive approaches. Nonetheless, sustainable success in creating a sense of belonging in liberal democracies arguably needs to start earlier and avoid discriminatory assumptions like those seen in the term ‘de-radicalization’.The author proposes a strategic initiative in Applied Theatre. Based on Process Drama and In-Role-Drama, the initiative focuses on the two-way teaching of language(s) in the Drama classroom. It considers both the pragmatic need for one (or several) official language(s) to keep open the sophisticated channels of communication in modern liberal democracies, and the rich cultural and linguistic heritage that arrives in many Western societies from other parts of the world every day. Employability needs meet the need for reciprocal empathy and shared cultural acknowledgement. Avoiding the common vocabulary of deficiency (‘lack of language proficiency’, ‘need for cultural integration’) the article outlines the possible benefits and potential obstacles of this new approach.
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