Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) - Books

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    Using GenAI in teaching, learning and assessment in Irish universities
    (Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork, 2025-01-23) Schalk Quintanar, Ana Elena; Rooney, Pauline; Schalk Quintanar, Ana Elena; Rooney, Pauline
    While Generative AI technologies have existed for many years, recent rapid advances in the field have pushed these technologies into mainstream use across society. As higher education institutions grappled with these new technologies, initial responses focused on potentially significant threats to academic integrity. However, as our understandings have evolved, there is an increasing awareness that these developing technologies also present opportunities for teaching, learning, assessment and research in higher education. Against this rapidly evolving backdrop, we in the Centre for Academic Practice (Trinity College Dublin) found ourselves faced with new challenges. How could we best support our educators to respond to the challenges of GenAI? How might we influence and support strategic initiatives and policy development regarding GenAI for teaching, learning and assessment at the institutional level? Conscious that our colleagues across the sector were facing similar challenges, we decided to initiate a cross-institutional collaboration with teaching and learning leaders from across the sector, where we could tackle this together! Teaching and learning networks across the Irish higher education sector are well established, thanks to the National Forum’s valuable work in seeding and nurturing communities of practice, and to the collegiality, support and good will of colleagues across the sector. Building on these networks, we approached teaching and learning leaders from across the seven universities in Ireland with the idea of collaborating to collate and share evidence-based practices in using GenAI to enhance teaching, learning and assessment. We are very grateful to these colleagues for their immediate acceptance of this invitation and for their enthusiasm, commitment and dedication to making our aspirations a reality. With this publication, we aim to promote AI Literacy, inspire new teaching, learning and assessment approaches and spark innovation across disciplines in higher education. The process began in January 2024, with 12 collaborating partners from the seven Irish universities, all of whom were teaching and learning leaders within their respective institutions. At this initial gathering, it was agreed that these partners would collaborate as co-editors of an open access publication which would comprise a collection of “use cases” showcasing how GenAI was being used by educators across the sector. Recognising that many staff were still at the “experimentation and exploration” stage of using GenAI, it was agreed that use cases would focus on identifying and sharing experiences, challenges and emerging practices with a view to expanding the knowledge base in this rapidly evolving area and informing future teaching and learning practices. By June 2024, over 30 use cases had been collated through this collaborative effort. These use cases provide a valuable insight into how educators are responding to the challenges, and taking advantage of the affordances, of GenAI across a wide range of disciplines. This publication opens with two reflective and insightful chapters from K.C. O’Rourke (TU Dublin) and Billy Kelly (National Academic Integrity Network): both chapters frame, and offer a contextual foundation, for the practitioner-focused use cases which follow. Each use case then captures how GenAI has been used within a particular academic context followed by authors’ critical reflections on their experiences. These reflections underline the value of each use case as a meaningful learning opportunity: both for the authors themselves and also for you the reader. We hope that these use cases inspire you to build upon the learning of others and harness the potential GenAI within your own practice.
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    2023 Learning & Teaching Showcase. Compendium of Posters
    (Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, University College Cork, 2023-12) O'Mahony, Catherine; Lee, Laura; O'Mahony, Catherine; Lee, Laura; National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
    This publication collects the posters shared at the 2023 Learning and Teaching Showcase at University College Cork, 5 December 2023. The posters are grouped into five themes: student engagement, inclusive teaching, academic integrity, digital education and education for sustainable development.
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    Recognition, reward and impact: A review of the national awards for excellence in teaching in higher education
    (NAIRTL, 2015-10) Alexander, Donna Maria; O'Mahony, Catherine; National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ireland; Higher Education Authority
    The Irish National Awards for Excellence in Teaching in Higher Education ran for a total of five years, during which time forty-three higher education staff members across a wide range of Higher Education institutions and disciplinary backgrounds were recognised and celebrated for their contribution to the integration of research, teaching and learning in Ireland. This publication traces the impact the NAIRTL Awards on the career trajectories and teaching practice of the award holders. It emphasizes the sustained contribution of the recipients to Irish higher education, and gathers together their recommendations regarding the development of national schemes such as the nascent Learning Impact Awards of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.
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    Developing an institutional framework for supporting supervisors of research students: A practical guide
    (NAIRTL, 2012-06) Kelly, Alan; Byrnes, Lucy; Campbell, Veronica; Carton, Janet; Harkin, Siobhan; Leonard, Anna Marie; Morgan, Pat; O'Farrell, Ciara; O'Mahony, Catherine; Smith, Niall; Kelly, Alan; Byrnes, Lucy; Campbell, Veronica; Carton, Janet; Harkin, Siobhan; Leonard, Anna Marie; Morgan, Pat; O'Farrell, Ciara; O'Mahony, Catherine; Smith, Niall; Higher Education Authority
    This booklet describes the outcomes of a unique interinstitutional project undertaken in Ireland between 2008 and 2012 to develop a common framework for the support of supervisors of postgraduate research students. The experiences of the seven institutions who ultimately participated in the project are summarized in the form of a series of commentaries on approaches to such training, and a description of the primary elements of the final framework itself. It is intended that this information may be of use to any institutions interested in developing their own supports for research supervisors, and ultimately will be of benefit to the supervisors themselves and, of course, their students.