Scenario: A Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research. Vol. XIII Issue 01

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    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
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    Playing with possibilities: Drama and core French in the Montessori elementary classroom in British Columbia, Canada
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Göksel, Eva
    French as a Second Language (FSL) is not often a popular subject among Canadian elementary and high school students. Negative attitudes and low motivation for learning French contribute to attrition at the high school level. In this article, an alternative teaching approach is applied to the Canadian FSL context at the elementary school level in the province of British Columbia. This action research study conducted in 2010 investigated the outcomes of using a drama-based approach to instruct Core French to 12 year-old students at a Montessori elementary (public) school in British Columbia, Canada. Ten students worked with a teacher/researcher twice a week over a six-week period, using drama strategies and improvisational activities to practice and improve their French language and literacy skills. The use of drama strategies proved motivational for the students who participated with enthusiasm and expressed a desire to continue learning French through drama. The action research approach allowed the students a greater degree of autonomy as their feedback was used to develop lesson content. Engagement in their own learning contributed to improved student attitudes towards attending French class. Ways of further implementing this teaching approach in elementary classrooms needs to be the subject of future research.
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    ‘The only learning I’m going to get’: Students with intellectual disabilities learning a second language through performative pedagogy
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Piazzoli, Erika; Kubiak, John
    Traditionally, adults with intellectual disabilities have not been given the option of participating in and thus benefiting from higher and post-secondary education. However, over the last number of years, an increasing number of inclusive tertiary educational programmes have come into existence. This article focuses on one such programme entitled Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice delivered in the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The aim of this study was to consider the role of embodiment in supporting the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) process of a group of students with intellectual disabilities. The paper describes a project which integrated two of the programme modules – Italian for Beginners and Exploring Art: Renaissance to Modern. Findings presented support the use of a performative approach to second language learning for students with intellectual disabilities and sheds light on the connection between embodiment, language and learning in a performative key.
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    Improving language and interpreting skills: A teaching experience
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Cecco, Serena; Masiero, Andrea
    This paper explores the potential of improvisation theatre applied to training, in particular to interpreting studies. A theoretical background on theatre and learning (at an academic and professional level) together with a theoretical background on interpreting skills and qualities provide the basis for the presentation of a small-scale experimental workshop on the use of improvisation techniques. The workshop involved 16 students and was held at the Advanced School for Language Mediation of Ciels University, Campus Padua, Italy.[1]
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    Der Effekt der Dramagrammatik im Anfängerunterricht: Eine Pilotstudie für Tschechisch als Fremdsprache
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Bučková, Aneta
    Der Artikel widmet sich der Anwendung von Dramapädagogik im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Im Fokus steht der Grammatikunterricht in Tschechisch als Fremdsprache. Der Text stellt eine Pilotstudie vor, die sich auf den Unterricht des Präteritums in einem Kurs für Universitätsstudierende in Deutschland konzentriert. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde die Dramagrammatik in einer modifizierten Form angewendet. Dieser Ansatz kombiniert bewusstes Auseinandersetzen mit Grammatik und das Handeln in Kommunikationssituationen mittels dramatischer Kunstformen. Es wird angenommen, dass die anhand der Dramagrammatik unterrichteten Studienteilnehmenden bessere Ergebnisse im Bereich der Grammatik erzielen. Weiter wird erwartet, dass die Anwendung von Dramagrammatik die Motivation fördert, am Unterricht aktiv teilzunehmen und sich mit der tschechischen Sprache auseinanderzusetzen.