Scenario: A Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research. Vol. XIII Issue 02

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    Analyzing the degree of consensus in current academic literature on critical pedagogy
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Villanueva, Catalina; O'Sullivan, Carmel
    Critical Pedagogy is a philosophy and approach to education which has influenced theory and practice for almost 50 years, most recently in the fields of Applied Drama and performative pedagogy. However, what exactly is understood by Critical Pedagogy in the 21st century is unclear, and whether its roots still align with the ideas and practices of its progenitor Paulo Freire is uncertain. Therefore, this systematic review of literature aims to explore the interpretations of Critical Pedagogy presented in 100 peer-reviewed papers published in recent times. After identifying frequently emergent themes in the selected literature, which are associated with the work of Freire, this paper examines the degree of consensus around Critical Pedagogy’s transformative aim, its associated democratic classroom approaches, and the concepts of conscientization and praxis. Through this analysis, the review distinguishes a number of peripheral discussions that are related to a modern/postmodern debate within the literature. This paper concludes by asserting that there are more points of convergence than of divergence in the various interpretations of Critical Pedagogy available in the articles surveyed. We suggest that the current branching out of Critical Pedagogy has not been rendered devoid of core meanings as an educational tradition, one which holds considerable potential for the field of Applied Drama, and for other forms of performative education.
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    Experimentelle Studien zu Theaterarbeit und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung: Die aktuelle Befundlage
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Wirag, Andreas
    Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Studien, die eine Förderung der Persönlichkeit der Teilnehmer/innen durch Theaterarbeit bzw. Theaterspiel (z.B. ihrer Kreativität, Offenheit, Empathie) untersuchen. Der Überblick geht dabei nur auf Untersuchungen ein, die experimentelle Versuchsdesigns nutzen, um die Förderwirkung des Theaterspiels zu überprüfen. Demnach werden Quasi-Experimente und Experimente zum Einfluss der Theaterarbeit vorgestellt. Die Übersicht zeigt, dass bislang wenige (empirisch) belastbare Befunde zur Förderung der Persönlichkeit durch Theaterspiel existieren. Lediglich für ausgewählte Aspekte, z.B. Kreativität und Adaptive Sozialkompetenz, liegen experimentelle Belege vor. Gleichzeitig bestehen viele diskursive bzw. theoretische Annahmen, die eine mögliche Förderwirkung der Theaterarbeit beschreiben und als Forschungsdesiderate für zukünftige empirische Studien verstanden werden können.
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    Let me hear your body talk: Experiencing the Word for additional language development
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Scally, Garrett
    This article describes a research project created to investigate the application of theatre devising strategies to create a heightened awareness of non-verbal language and embodied experience of words in second language acquisition (SLA) learning and teaching. This is in response to the tendency in SLA teaching to lack an understanding of the importance and the potential of the body’s involvement in the process. Four workshops in Basel, Switzerland were designed and facilitated with adults from distinct cultural and linguistic backgrounds as part of my doctoral research from February-March 2013. I use data generated by an ethnographic approach to fieldwork by analysing interviews, written responses in the project blog (both by the participants and my own), and observations of responses from participants during the workshops. I discuss the theatrical activities used for this purpose reflecting on the possible effects on participants’ linguistic ability and awareness of their physicality as part of an ongoing research process. I draw on Bourdieu’s notion of linguistic habitus and Merleau-Ponty’s notion of the ‘body experiencing the world’ to provide a theoretical framework for analysing the processes of these workshops. These frameworks also support the development of a theatre practice to support SLA that I am tentatively calling “experiencing the word”. I propose that this approach better provides the pragmatic and social conditions, re-created and rehearsed through drama, needed in learning an additional language. This can be done by turning attention to language learning as an embodied experience.
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    Performance for introverts?: Discourse evidence for students' collaborative shaping of social space
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Weber, Silja
    A common preconception about performance in the foreign language classroom sees performance as geared towards extroverts: students who readily contribute to verbal classroom interaction in any case. If true, this claim would be particularly problematic when advocating not only for the integration of isolated instances of performance, but for a fundamentally performance-based approach to language teaching. Such an approach would then further widen the gap between those participants who are more and those who are less comfortable in underdefined social spaces. This article draws on data from a larger study on FL classroom interaction and student agency during performance activities in intermediate German classes. Conversation analytic methods are used to trace how participation for one very reticent student evolves over the course of an intensive summer class. The development happens during extended performance activities with a Teacher-in-Role (TiR) strategy, and in particular due to the initiative of his classmates to shape a welcoming social space. They offer a range of carefully crafted participation openings, and the quiet student responds and later initiates conversational moves on his own. This case study provides discourse based, micro-analytic support for previous claims about the benefits of performance for class dynamics and participation.
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    Performative arts and pedagogy: An Irish perspective
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2019) Ó Breacháin, Annie; O'Gorman, Róisín; Piazzoli, Erika; Schewe, Manfred; Woodhouse, Fionn
    This report resulted from a number of meetings in the context of The Performative Arts and Pedagogy Project – Towards the Development of an International Glossary (for further details click here). Representatives from five different countries (Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland) have contributed to the project, engaging in an interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange that aims at an increased awareness of (culture-)specific concepts and associated terminologies that are applied in Performative Arts and Pedagogy contexts.