96 dB linear high dynamic range CAOS spectrometer demonstration

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Mazhar, Mohsin A.
Riza, Nabeel A.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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For the first time, a CAOS (i.e., Coded Access Optical Sensor) spectrometer is demonstrated. The design implemented uses a reflective diffraction grating and a time-frequency CAOS mode operations Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) in combination with a large area point photo-detector to enable highly programmable linear High Dynamic Range (HDR) spectrometry. Experiments are conducted with a 2850 K color temperature light bulb source and visible band color bandpass and high-pass filters as well as neutral density (ND) attenuation filters. A ~369 nm to ~715 nm input light source spectrum is measured with a designed ~1 nm spectral resolution. Using the optical filters and different CAOS modes, namely, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Frequency Modulation (FM)-CDMA and FM-Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) modes, measured are improving spectrometer linear dynamic ranges of 28 dB, 50 dB, and 96.2 dB, respectively. Applications for the linear HDR CAOS spectrometer includes materials inspection in biomedicine, foods, forensics, and pharmaceuticals.
Spectrometer , Digital Micromirror Device , Spectroscopy , Optical MEMS , High Dynamic Range
Mazhar, M. A. and Riza, N. A. (2020) '96 dB Linear High Dynamic Range CAOS Spectrometer Demonstration', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2020.3038062
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