Scenario: A Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research. Vol. VIII Issue 01

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    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2014) Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
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    K.B.M. – Mit einem interaktiven DaF-Theaterstück für Kinder auf Tournee durch Lateinamerika
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2014) Riedmüller, Alexander; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    Der Naturwissenschaftsraum wird langsam immer voller. Zuvor waren hier noch nie 150 Kinder und ihre Lehrkräfte gemeinsam anwesend gewesen, aber heute sind alle Tische heraus geräumt und es sind viel mehr Sitzgelegenheiten da als gewöhnlich. Sämtliche Stühle, Bänke und davor eine Reihe Sitzkissen aus der Bibliothek und den angrenzenden Klassenzimmern sind auf die Ecke ausgerichtet, wo normalerweise die ausgestopfte Eule und der Bunsenbrenner neben dem Waschbecken stehen. Diese sieht man heute allerdings nicht, denn davor ist ein schwarzer Paravent aufgebaut. Dieses vor etwa 60 Minuten improvisiertes Versteck wurde aus Pinnwänden, Stehelementen und schwarzem Vorhang extra für diesen Anlass gebaut. Alles ist heute also besonders spannend für die Kinder der vierten Klassenstufe der Goethe-Schule in Buenos Aires. Doch auch hinter dem Vorhang ist die Stimmung gespannt. In etwa drei Minuten, dann wenn alle Kinder einen Platz gefunden haben, wird es losgehen. Kurz vorher werden auf diesen zwei Quadratmetern „Backstage-Bereich“ noch Klarinettenblätter befeuchtet, letzte Hautpartien mit blauer Farbe bedeckt, grüne Turnschläppchen zurecht gezogen und ein letzter Rest roter Farbe vom Mikrofon-Headset gewischt. Dass diese drei Farben nach vier Monaten Tournee fast sämtliche Kleidungsstücke der vier SchauspielerInnen Anne-Marie Kuhfuß, Lino Kleingarn, Magdalena Haftner und Alexander Riedmüller durchzogen haben, ist kein unwesentliches Detail dieser ...
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    Process drama in the Japanese university EFL classroom: The Emigration Project
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2014) Donnery, Eucharia; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    This paper examines the impact of using a process drama project in a Japanese university EFL class focusing on the social issue of emigration from a historical perspective while simultaneously developing English communicative skills. Speaking in English is a skill that many Japanese people find challenging. There are a number of cultural reasons for this, for example the enormous linguistic gap between Japanese and English communicative patterns in terms of explicitness/implicitness, hierarchy, gender, and the role of silence. Therefore, the overt aim was to help students develop English language skills while learning about Japanese historical emigration through the medium of English with Japanese scaffolding. This is in keeping with the needs of the average Japanese university EFL student, who has had six years of accuracy-based study for the short-term target of the university entrance examination and who sees English in terms of mathematical code, rather than as a communicative tool. The narrative arc of the paper follows the Noh theatre JO-HA-KYU, Enticement- Elaboration-Consolidation trajectory to take the reader through the emigration process drama project held in the spring semester of 2009 at the School of Human Welfare Studies (HWS), Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Japan. The research approach was a mixed-method one and data was collected through digital recording of role-plays, student self-critical reflection by writing-in-role and writing out-of-role in an online class group, qualitative and quantitative questionnaires and teacher observation. Results indicated that process drama projects can have a positive influence on Japanese university EFL learners from the perspective of both linguistic and intercultural communicative competence.
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    Drama in Sprachpraxis at a German university English department: Practical solutions to pedagogical challenges
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2014) Sharp, Jonathan; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    This article describes the initial phase of incorporating drama-in-education classes into the practical language curriculum of a German university English department. It offers a brief overview of drama in (higher) education, before focusing on some recent developments in Germany and the UK: specifically the current increase of interest in Theaterpädagogik in Germany, and the incorporation of performative pedagogy in UK higher education, with the example of an initiative at the University of Warwick. The practical language curriculum of the University of Tübingen English Department, within which the drama classes are being run, is introduced. A report on one of the classes is provided, with a short example of a student-led presentation session. After investigating some student feedback from the class, the article concludes by suggesting that a drama approach offers solutions to some challenges posed by the curriculum, and explains a brief rationale for its further development in this context.
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    The Gottfried Children
    (Department of German, University College Cork, 2014) Peter Ammann, Max; Schewe, Manfred; Even, Susanne
    In this rubric we present various perspectives on theatre – historical and contemporary, intercultural and culture-specific, unexpectedly weird, unusually suspenseful, disturbedly gripping, fascinatingly enigmatic … With a sound reminiscent of military barracks, the desk lids fired upwards in salute as Gold Specs introduced Marc. The cisalpine school spirit already had a hold over the young Southerners. Three times, the principal gave exactly the same speech and ended with a compulsory suggestion: “I know, none of you will disappoint the new teacher.” Marc stood in front of his first students, his throat tight, and found himself unable to utter a word. He felt sorry for the boys and girls. Instead of a room with a big table, where talents and interests would emerge, where age levels would mingle, where students would assist each other, there were only oak benches, crammed closely together and bolted to the floor, the kind which force one to step in sideways. Everything was aligned towards the teacher; it was impossible to create a space free of hierarchy here. From his coat pocket, Marc pulled Peter Petersen’s “Jena Plan,”1 as he had presented it to the New Education Fellowship in Locarno in 1927. He pressed it into ...