Demonstration of a partially integrated silicon photonics ONU in a self-coherent reflective FDMA PON

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Straullu, Stefano
Savio, Paolo
Franco, Giuseppe
Gaudino, Roberto
Ferrero, Valter
Bernabé, Stephane
Fournier, Maryse
Muffato, Viviane
Menezo, Sylvie
Charbonnier, Benoit
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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We report about the final results of the FABULOUS European project, demonstrating the feasibility of real-time Ethernet transmission on a self-coherent reflective passive optical network, using an optical network unit (ONU) whose main optical functions are performed by a silicon-photonics device; 500 Mbps per user with a power budget of 24 dB in offline processing and 21 dB in real time is shown. We also report details about the packaging process and the special technique developed for the flip-chipping of a CMOS electrical driver, used for driving the ONU with low voltage, onto a silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator.
Passive optical network , Reflective modulation , Self-coherent detection , Optical attenuators , Optical network units , Optical fibers , Optical reflection , Passive optical networks , Integrated optics
Straullu, S., Savio, P., Franco, G., Gaudino, R., Ferrero, V., Bernabé S., Fournier, M., Muffato, V., Menezo, S., Charbonnier, B., Temporiti, E., Baldi, D., Minoia, G., Repossi, M., Carroll, L., Lee, J., O'Brien, P., Marchetti, R., Duan, G.-H., Saliou, F. and Abrate, S. (2017) 'Demonstration of a partially integrated silicon photonics ONU in a self-coherent reflective FDMA PON', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(7), pp. 1307-1312. doi:10.1109/JLT.2016.2647279
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