Pure iterative reconstruction improves image quality in computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis acquired at substantially reduced radiation doses in patients with active Crohn disease

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McLaughlin, Patrick D.
Murphy, Kevin P.
Twomey, Maria
O'Neill, Siobhán B.
Moloney, Fiachra
O'Connor, Owen J.
O'Regan, Kevin
McSweeney, Sean
McGarrigle, Anne Marie
Moore, Niamh
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Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Research Projects
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Objective: We assessed diagnostic accuracy and image quality of modified protocol (MP) computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis reconstructed using pure iterative reconstruction (IR) in patients with Crohn disease (CD). Methods: Thirty-four consecutive patients with CD were referred with suspected extramural complications. Two contemporaneous CT datasets were acquired in all patients: standard protocol (SP) and MP. The MP and SP protocols were designed to impart radiation exposures of 10% to 20% and 80% to 90% of routine abdominopelvic CT, respectively. The MP images were reconstructed with model-based IR (MBIR) and adaptive statistical IR (ASIR). Results: The MP-CT and SP-CT dose length product were 88 (58) mGy.cm (1.27 [0.87] mSv) and 303 [204] mGy.cm (4.8 [2.99] mSv), respectively (P < 0.001). Median diagnostic acceptability, spatial resolution, and contrast resolution were significantly higher and subjective noise scores were significantly lower on SP-ASIR 40 compared with all MP datasets. There was perfect clinical agreement between MP-MBIR and SP-ASIR 40 images for detection of extramural complications. Conclusions: Modified protocol CT using pure IR is feasible for assessment of active CD.
Iterative reconstruction , Computed tomography (CT) , Crohn disease , Abscess , Radiation dose
McLaughlin, P. D., Murphy, K. P., Twomey, M., O'Neill, S. B., Moloney, F., O'Connor, O. J., O'Regan, K., McSweeney, S., McGarrigle, A. M., Moore, N., Bye, J., Shanahan, F. and Maher, M. M. (2016) 'Pure Iterative Reconstruction Improves Image Quality in Computed Tomography of the Abdomen and Pelvis Acquired at Substantially Reduced Radiation Doses in Patients With Active Crohn Disease', Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 40(2), pp. 225-233. doi: 10.1097/RCT.0000000000000358
© 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. This is the submitted manuscript of an article published in Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. The published version of record is available at https://journals.lww.com/jcat/Fulltext/2016/03000/Pure_Iterative_Reconstruction_Improves_Image.7.aspx