Italian - Journal articles

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    Sonic modernities: capitalism, noise, and the city essay film
    (Taylor and Francis, 2023-03-07) Rascaroli, Laura
    Oculocentric perspectives are often dominant in descriptions of the city essay film. Whether flâneurial, observational, lyrical or visionary, the gaze is often placed at the centre of the filmic perception of the city, which is itself conceived of as a sight, image, or palimpsest. In this article, I reflect on the centrality of noise to modernity, and of capitalism to urban sound. In doing so, I pursue a dual goal: to foreground a sound-based understanding of the city through the essay film; and to ask how sound can help us understand the city essay film as a critique at once of the metropolis’ entanglement with capitalism and of the cinema’s historical contribution to the creation of the city as spectacle. A workable definition of the city essay film as an object of theory is attained via an engagement with urban and sound studies, and the discussion of sound design and sound discourse in Many Undulating Things (2019), a geopolitical essay by Bo Wang and Pan Lu about Hong Kong.
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    Il punto scritto: genesi e scrittura ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio
    (Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2018-11-06) O’Connell, Daragh
    Il presente saggio analizza, da diversi punti di vista, il primo capitolo del longseller di Vincenzo Consolo, Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio (1976), delineando l’evoluzione del romanzo dalla sua forma primigenia fino alle più recenti rielaborazioni. Sono messe a fuoco alcune varianti testuali e dichiarate le fonti, letterarie e non, sottese all’intero capitolo. Il primo capitolo è in effetti un grande palinsesto, e molte delle procedure adottatevi da Consolo richiamano una polifonia e una concezione alla Bachtin dell’enciclopedismo, la sua definizione di romanzo di «seconda linea«. In più, il capitolo I sancisce in realtà molti aspetti della nuova poetica di Consolo: una poetica palinsestica che prevede l’accumulo e l’elisione di vari testi di provenienza diversa, siano essi di stampo giornalistico, creativo o saggistico, in uno spazio di singolare gestazione autoriale fra polifonia e palinsesto.
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    Il caso “L’Iguana”: scelte editoriali, scarti, misteri e soluzioni da un testo di Anna Maria Ortese
    (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2020-01-25) Ceravolo, Marco
    Anna Maria Ortese's L'iguana is one of the most enigmatic pieces of her entire work. At the National Archive of Naples, where all Ortese's unpublished works are kept, one may find a large collection of papers on L'iguana: scraps, notes and several discarded finals. Initially, in 1963, eight chapters of the book were published by the magazine "Mondo". L'iguana went through a difficult destiny: three different publishing houses contended over its publication, and finally the novel was published by Vallecchi Editions in 1965. Later on, in 1980, Ortese wrote to Natalia Ginzburg, mentioning a "new version of Iguana, entitled Miseria e solitudine di una Iguana" (Spadaccini, Archivio di Stato di Napoli, 2006, doc. 54). The present study starts from the editorial case of the novel, passing through the investigation of the original papers from Fondo Ortese: our attempt is to examine Anna Maria Ortese's modus operandi, taking in consideration the different editions, revisions and the discarded finals. In order to get a better understanding of this mysterious and grotesque novel, we will follow the notes written by the author, marking the history of the author's scraps, the reasons which led Ortese to the different ending.
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    Introduction: Discursive frameworks within academic research
    (Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 2021-06-11) Devlin, Anne Marie; Siller, Barbara; Ventura, Sara Lis
    The idea for this Special Issue arose from a transdisciplinary conference entitled ‘(dis)Covering Discourses’ which was held at University College Cork in 2018. The aim was to bring together scholars spanning a multiplicity of disciplines who, in their research, apply discursive methods and ‒ as the spelling indicates ‒ by doing so, aim to (dis)cover, in both senses of the word, discourses. In the first instance, (dis)covering was considered a process of finding or coming across something unexpectedly. Approaching it from the second perspective, and even more saliently, the implication turned towards the process of discovering as bringing something to light, so to speak, as a task of uncovering. A broad range of researchers from various fields such as Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Sociology, Government and Politics, Economy, Clinical Therapies and Media Studies answered our call. They succeeded in shedding light on themes such as Politics, Class, Gender, Health, Identity, Institutions, Knowledge, Economy, Migration, Multilingualism, Social Media, Space and Violence. What all the researchers and the papers shared was their methodological approach and their common interest in Discourse Analysis: each employing methods of Discourse Analysis / Critical Discourse Analysis from their own disciplinary perspectives.
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    Subverting masculinity or suppressing the unmanly? Gender alterity in Palazzeschi and Capuana’s treatment of the incorporeal man
    (Department of French and Italian, Dickinson College, 2015) O'Leary, Martina
    “Subverting Masculinity or Suppressing the Unmanly?” presents a critical examination and comparison of unreal corporeal depictions of masculinity in Palazzeschi’s Il codice di Perelà and Capuana’s ‘L’invisibile’. These works present strikingly similar protagonists, who themselves affirm the attribute of lightness to be their defining characteristic, and who are made of, or resemble, wisps of smoke. This ‘lightness’ and delicacy is in direct opposition to the patriarchal male archetype, and it is evident from their treatment that Capuana uses this deviation to present his character as depraved and unnatural, while Palazzeschi uses his protagonist’s dissimilarity to emphasize his superiority, presenting him as a possible saviour. This investigation explores the poetics involved in articulating issues of transgressive gender and sexuality through the allegorical aspect of the fantasy genre.