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The place of the arts in Irish education
(Encountering the Arts Ireland, Poetry Ireland, 2020) Hyland, Áine; Shine Thompson, Mary
The publication of the Benson Report in 1979 followed a decade of change and upheaval in Irish Education. A report on Investment in Education had been commissioned by the Irish government following Ireland’s participation in the Washington Policy Conference on Economic Growth in 1961 and the report was published in January 1966. The Investment in Education report was supported financially by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), then a relatively new international organisation of which Ireland was a member. The publication of the report triggered a tsunami of change in Irish education – not least of which was the announcement by Minister for Education Donogh O’Malley that free second-level education for all, with free transport where required, would be introduced in September 1967. John Coolahan subsequently described the report as one of the foundation documents of modern Irish education. The first of the comprehensive and community schools were built in the following decade and capital grants were made available for building, extending and improving voluntary secondary schools. Vocational school students were now allowed to sit the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate and the second-level school curriculum was revised. The first of the Regional Technical Colleges had been built and means-tested grants were available for university attendance. A new and exciting curriculum had been introduced for primary schools in 1971 and for the first time since the foundations of the State, the arts were highlighted as central to children’s learning. It was an exciting decade in Irish education and the publication of the Benson Report was timely.
An Ghaeilge sa chóras oideachais in Éireann, 1922-1972
(Gaeloideachas, 2023-11-10) Hyland, Áine
Bunaíodh an córas náisiúnta bunscoile in Éirinn sa bhliain 1831. Córas cabhrach a bhí ann, faoinar cuireadh maoiniú ar fáil do scoileanna a bhí faoi úinéireacht pátrúin áitiúla agus a bhí á mbainistiú go háitiúil, ach a lean curaclam náisiúnta. Don chéad caoga bliain ní raibh cead an Ghaeilge a mhúineadh ins na scoileanna náisiúnta. In 1872 tugadh isteach córas íocaíochta de réir torthaí (Payment by Results) inar íocadh múinteoirí ar bhonn thorthaí a gcuid daltaí. Cé nach raibh an Ghaeilge fós san áireamh i gcuraclam na scoile náisiúnta, d'fhéadfaí í a mhúineadh lasmuigh d'uaireanta scoile mar ábhar breise a raibh táillí breise le híoc le múinteoirí ina leith (Hyland agus Milne, lch. 128). I 1904 cuireadh clár dá-theangach i bhfeidhm a d'fhéadfaí a mhúineadh i scoileanna i gceantair ina labhraítí Gaeilge, nó Gaeilge agus Béarla. Cé gur cuireadh deireadh le híocaíocht de réir torthaí sa bhlian 1900 d'ábhair eile a mhúineadh lasmuigh d'uaireanta scoile, leanadh de tháillí a íoc as múineadh na Gaeilge (Walsh, 2011, lch.50). Faoi 1921, bhí an Ghaeilge á múineadh nó á húsáid taobh istigh d'uaireanta scoile i 240 scoil (as os cionn 5,000 scoil san iomlán) agus múineadh í mar ábhar breise lasmuigh d'uaireanta scoile i 1,890 scoil (Ó Domhnalláin, 1987).
Review of the structure of teacher education in Ireland
(Higher Education Authority, 2018-01-13) Hyland, Áine
This paper documents the changes that have occurred in initial teacher education provision (ITE) in Ireland since the report of the International Review Panel was published in 2012. It summarises the extent to which the recommendations of the review panel were implemented in each of the six ITE clusters.
Teacher education reform in Ireland: policy and process
(Graduate School of Education, University of Western Australia, 2018) Hyland, Áine
The central role of teachers in ensuring the quality of education has been increasingly recognised internationally in recent decades. This paper reviews various shifts that have occurred in the initial teacher education agenda internationally during this time period. The paper reviews the radical reform that has occurred in the structure and provision of Irish teacher education since 2012. The paper considers the approach taken to reducing fragmentation within the Irish system and concludes with a discussion of the author’s concerns and recommendations for the future of initial teacher education, with particular reference to Ireland.
Irish educational documents volume 1
(Church of Ireland College of Education, 1987) Hyland, Áine; Milne, Kenneth; Hyland, Áine; Milne, Kenneth; Áine; Áine
A selection of extracts from documents relating to the history of Irish education from the earliest times to 1922.