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Solving complex optimisation problems by machine learning
(MDPI, 2024) Prestwich, Steven D.; Science Foundation Ireland; Horizon 2020
Most optimisation research focuses on relatively simple cases: one decision maker, one objective, and possibly a set of constraints. However, real-world optimisation problems often come with complications: they might be multi-objective, multi-agent, multi-stage or multi-level, and they might have uncertainty, partial knowledge or nonlinear objectives. Each has led to research areas with dedicated solution methods. However, when new hybrid problems are encountered, there is typically no solver available. We define a broad class of discrete optimisation problem called an influence program, and describe a lightweight algorithm based on multi-agent multi-objective reinforcement learning with sampling. We show that it can be used to solve problems from a wide range of literatures: constraint programming, Bayesian networks, stochastic programming, influence diagrams (standard, limited memory and multi-objective), and game theory (multi-level programming, Bayesian games and level-k reasoning). We expect it to be useful for the rapid prototyping of solution methods for new hybrid problems.
The legacy of COVID-19 financial supports: (2) adapting to a life beyond the pandemic
(Sweet & Maxwell, 2024) McCarthy, Jonathan
This, the second part of a two-part article on public support to businesses, examines whether EU Member States should continue to support businesses after the COVID-19 pandemic, but reformulate the aid to promote sustainability and digitalisation.
Alkali-carbonate melts in the cratonic mantle evidenced by a wehrlite xenolith from the Majuagaa kimberlite, West Greenland
(Geological Society of America, 2024-10-09) Kiseeva, Ekaterina S.; Kamenetsky, Vadim S.; Chayka, Ivan F.; Maas, Roland; Nielsen, Troels F. D.; Natural Environment Research Council; Irish Research Council
Carbonate melts are critically important for the deep carbon cycle, mantle melting, redox reactions, and transport of highly incompatible elements. The presence of carbonate melts in the cratonic mantle has been inferred from experimental studies, metasomatic transformations, and melt/fluid inclusions in xenoliths, kimberlites, and diamonds. However, the exact composition of such melts is difficult to determine due to their ephemeral nature and highly reactive properties. Once formed, they migrate away from the source and react with silicate mantle minerals, especially orthopyroxene, causing mantle metasomatism. Wehrlite is one of the products of interaction between the carbonate melt and peridotitic mantle and hence is an excellent candidate for locating in situ carbonate melts. Here, we report petrological, geochemical, and melt inclusion data for a garnet wehrlite xenolith in the Majuagaa kimberlite dike, West Greenland. The xenolith, which last equilibrated with the mantle at 4.5 GPa and 1000 °C, contains abundant melt pools composed of dolomite, calcite, serpentine, spinel, apatite, and phlogopite. Although the original magmatic mineralogy was largely destroyed by low-temperature alteration, remnants of the crystallized carbonatitic melt are preserved as primary melt inclusions in the liquidus Ti-Mg-Fe spinel. These melt inclusions, composed of carbonates, alkali carbonates, periclase/brucite, and minor halides, K-sulfide, apatite, and phlogopite, are the first direct evidence for in situ alkali-carbonate melt in the deep cratonic mantle. Compositionally, they are very similar to primary Na-dolomite melt found in experiments and in fluid inclusions within diamonds.
UCC Student Medical Journal 2nd Edition
(UCC Medical Research and Technology Society, 2021) Aamer, Kashaf; Dablouk, Lena; Abrar, Samin; Zagoneanu, Adina Elena
UCC Student Medical Journal 2nd Edition
UCC Student Medical Journal 3rd Edition
(UCC Medical Research and Technology Society, 2023) Zagoneanu, Adina Elena
UCC Student Medical Journal 3rd Edition