Management technologies - are they worth it? A normative study of ISO 9001 and project management

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Kavanagh, Donncha
Naughton, Ed
Corkery, Elaine
O'Sullivan, Kathleen
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This research inquires into the value of two common ‘management technologies’, namely ISO 9001 and project management. To avoid certain methodological problems, we study the value of these micro-level practices by inductively analysing macro-level data, specifically the intensity of project management and ISO 9001 certification (termed project management score and ISO 9001 score) in different countries against national measures of wealth and innovation. There is no correlation between ISO 9001 score and innovation, while high ISO 9001 scores are correlated with decreasing levels of wealth. The project management score is positively correlated with wealth and with innovation, though very high project management scores are negatively correlated with innovation. The study includes a cluster analysis which finds that, with one exception, countries tend to adopt either project management or ISO 9001 but not both. The analysis indicates that project management is more likely to be associated with high innovation and high wealth than ISO 9001.
Innovation , ISO 9001 , Project management , Quality management
Kavanagh, D., Naughton, E., Corkery, E. and O'Sullivan, K. (2009) ‘Management technologies - are they worth it? A normative study of ISO 9001 and Project Management’, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, GMIT, Galway, Ireland, 3-4 September.
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