Reading fluency in monolingual and bilingual primary school children: cognitive mechanisms and remediation of difficulties

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Lee, Laura Mary
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
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The topic of this thesis is reading fluency. Reading fluency is a critical component of skilled reading, and has been the subject of much investigation in recent years. Despite this surge in interest, we are still challenged to explain a number of pertinent issues related to reading fluency which are in need of further research. The current study adopted a traditional, broad definition of reading fluency, which includes speed, accuracy, and prosody as its facets. The construct was operationalised to reflect this broad conceptualisation - in contrast to much of recent research, which focuses only on the speed and accuracy facets of reading fluency. The research reported here consists of three studies; a cognitive analysis of reading fluency in monolingual and bilingual children, and two intervention studies. Study 1 investigated the power of a wide range of cognitive skills to predict reading fluency performance in both monolingual and bilingual children, as well as the relationship between reading fluency and reading comprehension. Relationships between bilingual children’s skills in both languages were also assessed, as was the ability of cognitive skills in the child’s first language to predict reading outcomes in the second language. Study 2 evaluated the effectiveness of GraphoGame-Fluent, a computerised educational game designed to provide additional reading fluency support to dysfluent primary school children. Study 3 reported a multi-faceted evaluation of Paired Reading intervention, implemented among primary school children identified by their teachers as being in need of extra reading fluency support. The results of all studies are interpreted in light of their theoretical and practical implications for the teaching and assessment of reading fluency, and the remediation of reading fluency difficulties.
Reading fluency , Bilingualism , Literacy interventions , Educational computer games , Paired reading , Reading comprehension
Lee, L. M. 2017. Reading fluency in monolingual and bilingual primary school children: cognitive mechanisms and remediation of difficulties. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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