Tailoring the ultra-soft magnetic properties of sputtered FineMET thin films for high-frequency power applications

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Masood, Ansar
McCloskey, Paul
Ó Mathúna, S. Cian
Kulkarni, Santosh
Masood, Ansar
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IOP Publishing
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This paper presents sputtered FineMET thin films with high saturation magnetic flux density and ultra-soft magnetic properties by maintaining an in-plane magnetization reversal process. The magnetic properties of FineMET thin films were investigated as a function of film thickness (40-517 nm) and annealing temperature (200-400 °C). The hysteresis loop study reveals that the films with low thickness (40 −316 nm) were perpendicularly magnetized in the as-deposited state. The ultra-soft magnetic properties (Hc =3 A/m) of the films were tailored by a thermal annealing process. A high relative permeability (μr ) of 1763 of these films with a good loss performance up to 1 GHz, makes them attractive for high-frequency power applications.
FineMET thin films , Soft magnetic properties , Thin films , FineMET alloy
Masood, A., McCloskey, P., Ó Mathúna, C., and Kulkarni, S. (2017) 'Tailoring the ultra-soft magnetic properties of sputtered FineMET thin films for high-frequency power applications', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 903(1), 012050 (3pp). doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/903/1/012050