A Quality of Service framework for upstream traffic in LTE across an XG-PON backhaul
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Arokkiam, Jerome A.
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University College Cork
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Passive Optical Networks (PON) are promising as a transport network technology due to the high network capacity, long reach and strong QoS support in the latest PON standards. Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a popular wireless technology for its large data rates in the last mile. The natural integration of LTE and XG-PON, which is one of the latest standards of PON, presents several challenges for XG-PON to satisfy the backhaul QoS requirements of aggregated upstream LTE applications. This thesis proves that a dedicated XG-PON-based backhaul is capable of ensuring the QoS treatment required by different upstream application types in LTE, by means of standard-compliant Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) mechanisms. First the design and evaluation of a standard-compliant, robust and fast XG-PON simulation module developed for the state-of-the-art ns-3 network simulator is presented in the thesis. This XG-PON simulation module forms a trustworthy and large-scale simulation platform for the evaluations in the rest of the thesis, and has been released for use by the scientific community. The design and implementation details of the XGIANT DBA, which provides standard complaint QoS treatment in an isolated XG-PON network, are then presented in the thesis along with comparative evaluations with the recently-published EBU DBA. The evaluations explored the ability of both XGIANT and EBU in terms of queuing-delay and throughput assurances for different classes of simplified (deterministic) traffic models, for a range of upstream loading in XG-PON. The evaluation of XGIANT and EBU DBAs are then presented for the context of a dedicated XG-PON backhaul in LTE with regard to the influence of standard-compliant and QoS-aware DBAs on the performance of large-scale, UDP-based applications. These evaluations disqualify both XGIANT and EBU DBAs in providing prioritised queuing delay performances for three upstream application types (conversational voice, peer-to-peer video and best-effort Internet) in LTE; the evaluations also indicate the need to have more dynamic and efficient QoS policies, along with an improved fairness policy in a DBA used in the dedicated XG-PON backhaul to ensure the QoS requirements of the upstream LTE applications in the backhaul. Finally, the design and implementation details of two standard-compliant DBAs, namely Deficit XGIANT (XGIANT-D) and Proportional XGIANT (XGIANT-P), which provide the required QoS treatment in the dedicated XG-PON backhaul for all three application types in the LTE upstream are presented in the thesis. Evaluations of the XGIANT-D and XGIANT-P DBAs presented in the thesis prove the ability of the fine-tuned QoS and fairness policies in the DBAs in ensuring prioritised and fair queuing-delay and throughput efficiency for UDP- and TCP-based applications, generated and aggregated based on realistic conditions in the LTE upstream.
TCP , Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) , LTE (3GPP) , XGIANT , XGIANT-D , XGIANT-P , 10-gigabit capable PON (XG-PON) , Long Term Evolution (LTE) , FSAN G.987 , Quality of Service (QoS) , ns-3 , Network simulation , Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) , Fibre-to-the-cell (FTTC) , Performance evaluation , Queuing delay , Datarate , Optical-wireless , Passive optical networks (PON)
Arokkiam, J. A. 2017. A Quality of Service framework for upstream traffic in LTE across an XG-PON backhaul. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.