Thermally stable hybrid cavity laser based on silicon nitride gratings
Accepted Version
Iadanza, Simone
Bakoz, Andrei P.
Singaravelu, Praveen K. J.
Panettieri, Danilo
Schulz, Stefan
Devarapu, Ganga Chinna Rao
Guerber, Sylvain
Baudot, Charles
Boeuf, Frédéric
Hegarty, Stephen
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Optical Society of America
Published Version
In this paper, we show the experimental results of a thermally stable Si3N4 external cavity (SiN EC) laser with high power output and the lowest SiN EC laser threshold to our knowledge. The device consists of a 250 μm sized reflective semiconductor optical amplifier butt-coupled to a passive chip based on a series of Si3N4 Bragg gratings acting as narrow reflectors. A threshold of 12 mA has been achieved, with a typical side-mode suppression ratio of 45 dB and measured power output higher than 3 mW. Furthermore, we achieved a mode-hop free-lasing regime in the range of 15–62 mA and wavelength thermal stability up to 80°C. This solves the challenges related to cavity resonances’ thermal shift and shows the possibility for this device to be integrated in dense wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and heat-intensive optical interconnects technologies.
Lasers and laser optics , Lasers , Distributed-feedback , Optical design and fabrication , High power lasers , Hybrid lasers , Laser sources , Photonic crystal cavities , Single mode lasers , Tunable lasers
Iadanza, S., Bakoz, A. P., Singaravelu, P. K. J., Panettieri, D., Schulz, S. A., Devarapu, G. C. R., Guerber, S., Baudot, C., Boeuf, F., Hegarty, S. and O’Faolain, L. (2018) ‘Thermally stable hybrid cavity laser based on silicon nitride gratings’, Applied Optics, 57(22), pp. 218-223. doi:10.1364/AO.57.00E218
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