Critical junctures: regulatory failures, Ireland's administrative state and the Office of the Ombudsman

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Donson, Fiona
O'Donovan, Darren
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Sweet and Maxwell
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In the aftermath of global financial crisis, the importance of effective regulatory interventions by government has come into sharp relief. The failure of public administration and political oversight that underwrote the collapse of the Irish economy in 2008 has provoked widespread reflection on the need for increased administrative review in the country. This has extended beyond the specific financial sphere, to broader public law reform targeting executive power by building an improved parliamentary culture, greater independent oversight and concentrating democratic participation. In this article, we critique the Irish regulatory state through the prism of the pressures, conflicts and reforms to the Office of the Ombudsman over the past decade.
Office of Ombudsman , Ombudsman , Ombudsmanry in Ireland , Irish constitutional law
Donson, F. and O'Donovan, D. (2014) 'Critical Junctures: Regulatory Failures, Ireland' s Administrative State and the Office of the Ombudsman', Public Law, pp. 471-490.
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© 2014 Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited and Contributors. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Public Law following peer review. The definitive published version: Donson, F. and O'Donovan, D. (2014) 'Critical Junctures: Regulatory Failures, Ireland's Administrative State and the Office of the Ombudsman', Public Law, pp. 471-490, is available online on Westlaw UK or from Thomson Reuters DocDel service