Mutually coupled lasers in photonic integrated circuits

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Dubois, Fabien
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University College Cork
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Photonic integration has proven to be a technology with the potential to meet the seemingly unceasing increase in demand for information in an efficient and cost effective away. As the size of optical components shrinks certain challenges must be overcome. This thesis addresses the lack of an optical isolator in our integrated platform. Without this component any system requiring one will have an added feedback when realised in an integrated format. Specifically we deal with the process of injection locking lasers, which is a common process used in spectral filtering. Without the optical isolator the system becomes what is called mutually coupled. When dealing with mutually coupled lasers, the physical separation of the lasers is a key parameter. This system is well understood for large separations between the lasers (on the order of metres), limited studies are available for the short separation regime associated with photonic integration. In this thesis initial experiments into understanding mutually coupled lasers on a photonic integrated circuit will be shown, followed by a theoretical study. This study will focus on a rate equation based approach, using both ordinary and delay differential equation systems. Two different models will be studied, initially the single mode model of previous studies will be analysed, and following this, motivated by comparison of results with experimental results, a multi-mode model will be developed and studied.
Integrated photonics , Non-linear dynamics , Semiconductor physics
Dubois, F. 2018. Mutually coupled lasers in photonic integrated circuits. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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