OpenCV2X Mode 4: a simulation extension for cellular vehicular communication networks

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McCarthy, Brian
O'Donnell, Aisling
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
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In this work the authors present the first publicly available, open-source simulation model of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 14 Cellular Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) standard. The model specifically addresses Mode 4, in which vehicles communicate directly in peer to peer mode using a distributed resource allocation algorithm. Importantly, the model is fully compliant with existing service and application layers already defined by the automotive and standards communities, providing a fully standardised cross-layer communication model spanning application layer based on the ITS-G5 standard to physical layer from the new C-V2X Mode 4 standard. This enables enhancements of the lower layers to support future vehicular use cases. The simulation model has been implemented by extending SimuLTE, an OMNeT++ cellular communication stack that enables simulation of LTE networks as well as extending and integrating Artery, an ETSI compliant ITS-G5 implementation. The developed model is validated using published 3GPP simulation evaluation scenarios and is available at
LTE-V , C-V2X , 3GPP , 4G , Sensing Based Semi-Persistent Scheduling (SB-SPS) , Arteries , Sensors , Mathematical model , Long term evolution (LTE) , Roads
McCarthy, B. and O'Driscoll, A. (2019) 'OpenCV2X Mode 4: A Simulation Extension for Cellular Vehicular Communication Networks', 2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Limassol, Cyprus,11-13 Sept. doi: 10.1109/CAMAD.2019.8858436
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