Hollow core photonic crystal fiber based viscometer with Raman spectroscopy

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Horan, Laura E.
Ruth, Albert A.
Gunning, Fatima C. Garcia
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American Institute of Physics
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Research Projects
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The velocity of a liquid flowing through the core of a hollow core photonic crystal fiber (driven by capillary forces) is used for the determination of a liquid's viscosity, using volumes of less than 10 nl. The simple optical technique used is based on the change in propagation characteristics of the fiber as it fills with the liquid of interest via capillary action, monitored by a laser source. Furthermore, the liquid filled hollow core photonic crystal fiber is then used as a vessel to collect Raman scattering from the sample to determine the molecular fingerprint of the liquid under study. This approach has a wide variety of indicative uses in cases where nano-liter samples are necessary. We use 10–12 cm lengths of hollow core photonic crystal fibers to determine the viscosity and Raman spectra of small volumes of two types of monosaccharides diluted in a phosphate buffer solution to demonstrate the principle. The observed Raman signal is strongest when only the core of the hollow core photonic crystal fiber is filled, and gradually decays as the rest of the fiber fills with the sample.
Holey fibres , Liquids , Organic compounds , Photonic crystals , Raman spectra , Viscometers , Viscosity
HORAN, L. E., RUTH, A. A. & GUNNING, F. C. G. 2012. Hollow core photonic crystal fiber based viscometer with Raman spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 224504-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4771659
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Copyright (2012) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in J. Chem. Phys. 137, 224504 (2012) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?jcp/137/224504