Developing wireless measurement system for building deployed capacitive sensors with optimized RF front end circuit

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Jafer, Essa
O'Flynn, Brendan
Ó Mathúna, S. Cian
Buckley, John
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Research Projects
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In this paper, a prototype of miniaturized, low power, bi-directional wireless sensor node for wireless sensor networks (WSN) was designed for doors and windows building monitoring. The capacitive pressure sensors have been developed particularly for such application, where packaging size and minimization of the power requirements of the sensors are the major drivers. The capacitive pressure sensors have been fabricated using a 2.4 mum thick strain compensated heavily boron doped SiGeB diaphragm is presented. In order to integrate the sensors with the wireless module, the sensor dice was wire bonded onto TO package using chip on board (COB) technology. The telemetric link and its capabilities to send information for longer range have been significantly improved using a new design and optimization process. The simulation tool employed for this work was the Designerreg tool from Ansoft Corporation.
pressure sensors , capacitive sensors
Jafer, E., O'Flynn, B., Ó Mathúna, S.C., Buckley, J. 2008. Developing wireless measurement system for building deployed capacitive sensors with optimized RF front end circuit. In: IEEE, Seventh IEEE Conference on Sensors: IEEE Sensors 2008. Lecce, Italy 26-29 October 2008.
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