Kilcrea Friary: Franciscan heritage in County Cork
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Maher, Denise
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Tower Books
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The ruins of Kilcrea friary stand as a monument to its glorious past. This was a past full oflearning, Christianity and Franciscan life. The friary's architecture is a reminder of a very different time and culture and its history is one of turbulence and sadness resulting in its eventual destruction. With the passing of the centuries its history has begun to fade and consequently there is a risk that this will be completely lost for future generations. Being mindful of this, the Bride Valley Community Association commissioned this book on Kilcrea friary. It provides an understanding of Medieval Franciscan life and architecture of the time and of how Kilcrea friary formed an important part of this. As we enter both a new century and a new millennium, the preservation and retention of the history of the friary becomes even more important. It is expected that the next millennium will provide technological advances so great that they cannot even be imagined at present. Hopefully - this publication on Kilcrea friary will remind future generations of the local community of its heritage - full of history, culture, hope and expectations just as it is hoped the new millennium will be. It may serve as a link with the past.
Kilcrea friary , Franciscan , Bride Valley , Medieval Franciscan life and architecture
Maher, D. (1999) Kilcrea Friary: Franciscan heritage in County Cork. Ballincollig, Cork: Tower Books, pp. 1-54.
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© 1999, Denise Maher and the Committee of the Bride Valley Community Association. First published in 1999 by Tower Books Ballincollig, Co. Cork in association with the Committee of the Bride Valley Community Association. All rights reserved.