Long term potential of a saturated sodium chloride solution for the anatomical preservation of human cadavers

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O'Flynn, Carrie
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
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The anatomical world has relied heavily on formaldehyde as an embalming agent since its use began in the 1890s. Efforts to move away from formaldehyde have intensified in recent years, largely in response to health concerns. Another important motivation is to seek out ways to an improved anatomical cadaver. Several new techniques have been investigated for their abilities to provide cadavers with both life-like features and longevity of preservation. A simple saturated salt solution (saturated NaCl solution) was used to embalm 4 cadavers in two phases of study, without the addition of formalin. As “soft-fix” methods are generally viewed as short-term preservatives, the long-term preservative action of the saturated NaCl solution method was assessed. The suitability of this cadaver type for teaching and training was considered; specifically, its utility as a training model for ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia (USGRA). The saturated NaCl solution method conferred long-lasting preservation of structures with retention of tissue colour and pliability; however, the rapid onset of deterioration occurred when gross dissection began. The cadavers proved to have some utility as simulation models for USGRA training, but lack of vascular circulation limited this suitability.
Saturated salt solution , Saturated NaCl solution , Embalming , Anatomical preservation , Cadaveric preservation , Formaldehyde , Ultrasound skills training , Ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia
O'Flynn, C. 2022. Long term potential of a saturated sodium chloride solution for the anatomical preservation of human cadavers. MSc Thesis, University College Cork.
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