An adaptive and reliable forward error correction mechanism for real-time video delivery from UAVs
Accepted Version
Sarvi, Batoul
Sreenan, Cormac J.
Zahran, Ahmed
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
This paper introduces Adaptive and Reliable Forward Error Correction (AR_FEC), a novel mechanism that is designed to ensure reliable and efficient real-time video delivery for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). UAVs communicate using wireless channels that are inherently unreliable. AR_FEC is an application-layer solution that is inspired by edge computing. It incorporates several elements, specifically, adaptive Forward Error Correction (FEC), dynamic video quality, and Unequal Error Protection (UEP). AR_FEC dynamically adjusts the number of redundancy frames per video Group of Picture (GoP) based on packet loss rate, recent average round-trip times, and cross-layer information such as bandwidth usage and network traffic load. Moreover, AR_FEC reacts to congestion via a dynamic video quality algorithm. By adaptively determining suitable redundancy for the video I-frames and adjusting video quality, significant improvements are achieved. Comprehensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed AR_FEC protocol offers excellent performance for the number of delivered frames, latency, throughput, and delivery of frames, within the delay constraints for real-time multimedia streaming from UAVs.
UAV , Error correction , Multimedia communication , FEC , Video streaming
Sarvi, B., Sreenan, C. J. and Zahran, A. (2023) 'An adaptive and reliable forward error correction mechanism for real-time video delivery from UAVs', 2023 14th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), Izmir, Turkiye, 04-06 October, pp. 141-149. doi: 10.1109/NoF58724.2023.10302786.
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