Poster: Real-time message scheduling with multiple sinks
Accepted version
Yoo, Seong-Eun
Sreenan, Cormac J.
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Association for Computing Machinery ACM /Junction Publishing
Published Version
A smart factory in Industry 4.0 requires the exchange of sensing and control messages over a wireless sensor network. Communication typically has real-time constraints and the nodes are densely deployed. Thus, multiple sink nodes are necessary in order to ensure schedulability. This paper deals with the multiple sink scheduling problem, requiring an allocation policy for messages over the sinks, as well as per-sink message scheduling. The objective of the optimization is to jointly minimize the number of the required sinks while respecting the limitations of the underlying protocols and scheduling the real-time message set. We present a heuristic algorithm and preliminary results that demonstrate its efficacy.
Industry 4.0 smart factory , Multiple sink nodes , Real-time message delivery , Sinks , Message allocation , Message delivery
Yoo, S.-E. and Sreenan, C. (2018) 'Poster: Real-time Message Scheduling with Multiple Sinks', Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Madrid, Spain. 3234878: Junction Publishing, pp. 185-186. Madrid, Spain, 14-16 February. isbn: 978-0-9949886-2-1
Link to publisher’s version
© Junction Publishing, Canada ©2018| ACM 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in EWSN ’18 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, ISBN: 978-0-9949886-2-1