IGF-1 signalling controls mitochondrial morphology and basal mitophagy in cancer

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Murray, Joss
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University College Cork
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Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) signalling is known to support oncogenic transformation and the promotion of cancer development. A growing body of evidence has outlined the protective effect IGF-1 signalling has on the mitochondria, however this has been relatively underexplored in cancer. Therefore, this thesis aims to elucidate the mechanisms by which IGF-1 promotes mitochondrial protection in cancer. Previously, we determined that the mitophagy receptor BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3 (BNIP3) is induced by IGF-1 to support mitochondrial turnover and protection. Here, we analysed a publicly available gene expression dataset of breast cancer cells stimulated by IGF-1. Gene ontology classification revealed a signature of genes induced and repressed by IGF-1 involved with mitochondrial functions. Further analysis to classify genes by biological process suggested that genes involved with apoptosis and suppression of mitochondrial metabolism were most enriched in the gene groups regulated by IGF-1. To further interrogate mitochondrial dynamics downstream of IGF-1 signalling, we assessed mitochondrial morphology. Lack of IGF-1R promoted mitochondrial fusion, while IGF-1 stimulation promoted mitochondrial fragmentation. Mitochondrial fragmentation was associated with increased mitochondrial transport to the leading edge of invasive breast cancer cells. Pharmacological inhibition of mitochondrial fission inhibited the migration of cells expressing the IGF-1R but was ineffective at moderating migration of cells lacking the IGF-1R. Finally, we interrogated the function of BNIP3 downstream of IGF-1 stimulation. While BNIP3 is induced, IGF-1 stimulation suppressed mitophagy. However, BNIP3 turnover was higher in basal cell culture conditions than in nutrient deprived conditions, suggesting that BNIP3-mediates basal mitophagy in cancer cells. Indeed, IGF-1R knockout reduced the basal turnover of BNIP3 implying that IGF-1 regulates basal mitophagy via BNIP3. In totality, this thesis presents evidence that IGF-1 signalling promotes mitochondrial protection by regulating genes involved with redox homeostasis while tempering mitochondrial metabolism. Mitochondrial fragmentation is induced by IGF-1 and can also regulate cancer cell migration, while also supporting basal mitophagy mediated by BNIP3. These findings demonstrate that targeting IGF-1 signalling in cancer could impair mitochondrial protection mechanisms, which offers an avenue for novel therapeutic opportunities.
Cancer , Mitochondria , IGF-1 , Autophagy , Signalling
Murray, J. 2023. IGF-1 signalling controls mitochondrial morphology and basal mitophagy in cancer. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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