Pyroelectric effect enhancement in laminate composites under short circuit condition
Published Version
Chang, H. H. S.
Whatmore, Roger W.
Huang, Z.
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AIP Publishing
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The pyroelectric coefficients of laminate composites under short circuit condition have been investigated by analytical modeling and numerical simulations. Indicators for various pyroelectric/non-pyroelectric material pairs that can be utilized to determine their pyroelectric coefficient enhancement credentials have been identified. Six pyroelectric materials were paired with six non-pyroelectric/elastic materials and their pyroelectric coefficient enhancement potential and figure of merit for efficiency were investigated. The best performing partnership out of the 36 pairs was lead zirconate titanate (PZT5H)-chlorinated polyvinyl chloride thermoplastic (CPVC) for thickness ratios (R) below 0.09 and PZT5H-zinc for R larger than 0.09 with both demonstrating total pyroelectric coefficient of approximately -20x10(-4) C m(-2) K(-1) at R=0.09, which corresponds to approximately 300% increase in the coefficient. PZT5H-CPVC also showed maximum of 800% rise in the pyroelectric coefficient while figure of merit for efficiency indicated up to twentyfold increase in its electrical response output per given thermal stimuli when compared to that of PZT5H by itself.
Laminates , Lead compounds , Polymer , Pyroelectricity , Zinc
Chang, H. H. S., Whatmore, R. W. and Huang, Z. (2009) 'Pyroelectric effect enhancement in laminate composites under short circuit condition', Journal of Applied Physics, 106(11), 114110 (10pp). doi: 10.1063/1.3264623
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© 2009, American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Chang, H. H. S., Whatmore, R. W. and Huang, Z. (2009) 'Pyroelectric effect enhancement in laminate composites under short circuit condition', Journal of Applied Physics, 106(11), 114110 (10pp). doi: 10.1063/1.3264623 and may be found at