JDoc: a serious game for medical learning

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Sliney, Aidan
Murphy, David
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper presents initial research on a home based junior doctor medical simulator (JDoc) to improve the efficiency of junior doctor training within the restrictions imposed by the European working time directive (EWTD). Our goal is to make theoretical medical knowledge more accessible. We developed a high fidelity test framework JDoc. Our objective is to understand the potential for medical simulation in junior doctor training. The paper outlines the design process and the construction of the simulator as well as a small scale post-test usability study amongst junior doctors from which we can assess the benefits of JDoc.
Medical simulation , Computational modeling , Biomedical imaging , Usability , Hospitals , Human computer interaction , Medical diagnostic imaging , Educational institutions , Computer simulation , Home computing
Sliney, A. and Murphy, D. (2008) ‘JDoc: A Serious Game for Medical Learning’, First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction. Sainte Luce, Martinique, France, 10-15 Feb, pp. 131–136. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACHI.2008.50
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