Developing a mathematics module for students with intellectual disability in higher education

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Prendergast, Mark
Spassiani, Natasha A.
Roche, Joseph
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Sciedu Press
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Research Projects
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Individuals with intellectual disability (ID) have largely been excluded from accessing all levels of education and participating in college life. Fortunately, academic institutions around the world are slowly beginning to examine how they can support equal citizenship of individuals with ID within their community. In Ireland, one university has recently accredited an innovative higher education programme for college students with intellectual disabilities. One of the emergent modules focuses on mathematics and recognises the importance of developing students’ numeracy skills in order to confidently navigate today’s society. Despite the increased emphasis on general mathematics education, the authors found there to be a dearth of research regarding the development of such a module for students with ID. This paper describes the design and development of the mathematics module and also details its piloting and evaluation with a cohort of students with ID who were enrolled in a higher education course in an Irish university.
Students with intellectual disability , Mathematics education , Higher education , Course development
Prendergast, M., Spassiani, N. A. and Roche, J. (2017) 'Developing a Mathematics Module for Students with Intellectual Disability in Higher Education', International Journal of Higher Education, 6 (3), pp. 169-177. doi: 10.5430/ijhe.v6n3p169
© 2017 International Journal of Higher Education