IKHarvester - Informal eLearning with semantic web harvesting

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Jankowski, Jacek
Westerski, Adam
Kruk, Sebastian R.
Nagle, Tadhg
Dobrzanski, Jaroslaw
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Research Projects
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Only recently, researchers and practitioners alike have begun to fully understand the potential of eLearning and have concentrated on new tools and technologies for creating, capturing and distributing knowledge. In order to support and extend those solutions we propose the idea of incorporating the informal knowledge into Learning Management Systems. Contributing to the body of research, problems of existing eLearning technologies are documented highlighting areas of definite improvement. Finally, semantic Web harvesting technology as a solution is explored in the form of the knowledge acquisition tool called IKHarvester.
Computer aided instruction , Knowledge acquisition , Semantic web , IKHarvester , Informal eLearning technology , Informal knowledge , Learning management system , Semantic Web harvesting , Blogs , Collaboration , Distributed computing , Electronic learning , Feedback , Internet , Knowledge management , Least squares approximation , Harvesting , eLearning
Jankowski, J., Westerski, A., Kruk, S. R., Nagle, T. and Dobrzanski, J. (2008) 'IKHarvester - Informal eLearning with Semantic Web Harvesting', 2008 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Santa Monica, CA, USA, 4-7 August, pp. 410-417. doi: 10.1109/ICSC.2008.47
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