The effect of relaxation oscillations in integrated optical comb demultiplexers based on injection locking
Accepted Version
Shortiss, Kevin
Dernaika, Mohamad
Shayesteh, Maryam
Peters, Frank H.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
Narrowly spaced optical combs are being considered for use in future wavelength division multiplexing optical networks. Optical injection locking has been demonstrated as an effective method of demultiplexing these narrow optical combs, and recent research has shown monolithically integrable designs can achieve side mode suppression ratios of greater than 35 dB. We present an experimental and theoretical study on how the side mode suppression ratio of these demultiplexers varies with the injected comb frequency spacing, the detuning between the slave laser and the comb, and optical injection strength. We show that the performance of these demultiplexers depends strongly on the difference between the relaxation oscillation frequency and the frequency spacing of the injected comb.
Optical attenuators , Optical transmitters , Semiconductor lasers , Optical pumping , Optical modulation , Measurement by laser beam , Integrated optics , Optical demultiplexing , Injection-locked oscillator , Optical comb
Shortiss, K., Dernaika, M., Shayesteh, M. and Peters, F. H. (2019) 'The effect of relaxation oscillations in integrated optical comb demultiplexers based on injection locking', IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. doi: 10.1109/JQE.2019.2942053
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