Testing strategy for new ocean sensors
Accepted Version
Barton, John
Salat, Jordi
García-Ladona, Emilio R.
Fernández, Jaume Piera
Salvador, Joaquín I.
Fernández, Pedro G.
Antognarelli, Fabio
Satta, Andrea
Magni, Paolo
Ribotti, Alberto
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
The definition of a sensor monitoring strategy is based on the location for water monitoring, sensor performances, data storage and transmission. For any new sensor, available instruments currently used in oceanographic studies are identified to perform comparisons. Suitable transmission technology is selected according to the test conditions: open sea, coastal areas, remote locations, etc. Sensitivity and stress tests are designed to establish confidence limits under different environmental situations, so that the results obtained in planned testing exercises are enabled to certify the performance of the new instruments. In this paper, we will address three key phases to test and certify the performance of new sensors: (1) RD basis for cost-effective sensor development, (2) sensor development, sensor web platform and integration, and (3) field testing.
Ocean , Sensor , Test , Validation
Barton, J., Salat, J., García-Ladona, E. R., Fernández, J. P., Salvador, J. I., Fernández, P. G., Antognarelli, F., Satta, A., Magni, P. and Ribotti, A. (2022) 'Testing strategy for new ocean sensors', 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), 2022, pp. 468-473, doi: 10.1109/MetroSea55331.2022.9950801
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