Enhanced e-learning and simulation for obstetrics education
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Coffey, Donnchadh
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University College Cork
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Background: In medicine, new media technologies have been used in recent years to simulate situations and techniques that may not be common enough for students to experience in reality or may not be visible to the naked eye. Especially in areas of medicine focusing on important surgeries or procedures, these simulated designs could train students and ultimately prevent possible risk or morbidity. Aims: The aim of this thesis was to develop a multipurpose hybrid educational resource based on a physical/software driven simulator platform enabling the use of multimedia properties like 3D and video to enhance the educational training of obstetrics students through haptic interactions. All of this content was enabled by the learning preferences of the obstetric students involved. Method: The learning resource was developed using a combination of student learning preference, online learning content, 3D, video, human patient simulations and sensor technology interaction. These mediums were all interconnected to create a multipurpose resource. The learning preference was collected through a developed student online survey, the results consequently informed the creation of the other aspects of the finished resource. The interactive aspects were created through position and orientation sensors and the 3D/video influences which localised the position and orientation of an object like a fetal model relative to a human patient simulator. All of these methods combined with added assessment contributions for obstetric tutors, enabled the finalising of a prototype. Conclusion: This form of learning resource has a vital role in the progressing higher level education in the digital age. This proposal is the development of a new type of joint simulator that allows students and practitioners physically involve themselves in a series of processes while assessing their own progression through real time digital feedback in the form of video narrative and analytics. Usability test was not conducted on the full resource (one on the video platform) due to time limitations.
Obstetrics , 3D , Simulation , Sensors , Computer science , E-learning
Coffey, D. P. W. 2016. Enhanced e-learning and simulation for obstetrics education. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.