Reduced graphene oxide for the development of wearable mechanical energy-harvesters: A review
Nag, Anindya
Simorangkir, Roy B. V. B.
Sapra, Samta
Buckley, John L.
O'Flynn, Brendan
Liu, Zhi
Mukhopadhyay, Subhas Chandra
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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The unique characteristics of graphene have generated a lot of interest in the research community. A concept of utilizing graphene and its derivatives in the development of energy harvesters has just appeared in recent decades. This paper focuses on the application of reduced graphene oxide (rGO), a graphene derivative, in the development of wearable mechanical energy-harvesters to enable self-powered wearable sensing systems. Harvesting of energy has been a state-of-the-art phenomenon due to the ever-increasing requirement of power to run the sensing systems. Flexible systems that used rGO to gather energy with intensities ranging from a few microwatts to a few hundreds of microwatts have been used. Some examples are presented, focusing on the class of piezoelectric and triboelectric-based energy harvesters, with descriptions of their material composition, manufacturing methods, operating principle, and performance. Finally, the challenges and drawbacks of rGO-based energy harvesters are discussed, along with some of the potential solutions.
Graphene , Mechanical energy-harvesting , Piezoelectric , Reduced graphene oxide , Triboelectric
Nag, A., Simorangkir, R. B. V. B., Sapra, S., Buckley, J. L., O'Flynn, B., Liu, Z. and Mukhopadhyay, S. C. (2021) 'Reduced graphene oxide for the development of wearable mechanical energy-harvesters: A review', IEEE Sensors Journal. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3118565
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