Report of the Health Impact Assessment on the Core Strategy of the Cork City Development Plan (2022-2028)

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O'Mullane, Monica
Kenny, Tara
Nash, Kirsty
Ryan, Marie
O’Mahony, Karen
Fitzsimons, Jeanette
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The purpose of this Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on the Core Strategy of the Cork City Development Plan (2022-2028) has been to identify potential likely and significant health impacts on population health, and to identify opportunities to strengthen health gain and to reduce potential adverse health impacts across population groups. The scope or remit of the HIA has been on the 15-Minute City objective within the vision for Compact Liveable Growth in the Cork City Development Plan (2022-2028). The scope for the HIA includes the potential health impacts on three identified population groups, namely older people, young people and people living on low-income, across the determinant of health, Safe and Cohesive Communities. Within this determinant the focus has been on six subdeterminants of health including housing, neighbourhood design, access to public spaces, modes of travel, walkability and accessible workplaces. Findings indicate that the implementation of the 15-Minute City can have a positive health impact on both the general population, and on population groups across the six subdeterminants of health when implemented in an appropriate and tailored manner. We have developed eleven recommendations at the conclusion of our HIA process, categorised into four sections: 1. Informing the process of creating future Cork City Development Plans in Cork City Council. 2. Community and Stakeholder Engagement in Formulating and Drafting Future Cork City Development Plans 3. HIA and Future Cork City Development Plans 4. Research and Evidence base Development This HIA process and the compilation of this report has reiterated to us the need for agencies who are working to promote health and wellbeing across all sectors and within communities in Cork city to prioritise action on tackling the widening health inequalities experienced by people living in Cork.
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) , Core Strategy , Cork City Development Plan (2022-2028)
O'Mullane, M., Kenny, T., Nash, K., Ryan, M., O'Mahony, K. and Fitzsimons, J. (2024) 'Report of the Health Impact Assessment on the Core Strategy of the Cork City Development Plan (2022-2028)'. Cork: University College Cork.
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