The language rights of Indigenous Peoples within the Russian Federation

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Kavanagh, Elena
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University College Cork
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The Russian Federation is one of the world's most multinational and heterogeneous countries. There are 47 officially recognised Indigenous Peoples. The current decrease in Indigenous language speakers in Russia in the last decade threatens Indigenous Peoples' language and cultural identity. This work seeks to assess whether legislation relating to Indigenous Peoples’ language rights in Russia lacks the mechanisms necessary for effective implementation and protection. Furthermore, we will propose solutions to further improve the protection of language rights for Indigenous Peoples in Russia. The thesis will consist of four analytical strands. In the first analytical strand, we examine the development of the international legal system regarding Indigenous Peoples’ rights, originating from the League of Nations. Then, we focus on the main contemporary mechanisms for protecting Indigenous languages and possible future developments with a special emphasis on the United Nations and the Council of Europe systems. In the second strand, we will outline the historical background of Indigenous rights and linguistic diversity in Russia. The historical analytical strand is invaluable for the complete analysis of the Indigenous Peoples’ rights in Russia, as current policy and legislation are largely influenced by Soviet legislation. The third analytical strand is an examination of policies and legislation in Finland that aim to protect Saami Indigenous language rights, with a comparative perspective of existing and potential challenges in Russia. The fourth and main analytical strand seeks to review the contemporary legislative and political situations relating to Indigenous Peoples' language rights in Russia. We examine the status of Indigenous language rights in Russia, identifying the content of State obligations also highlighting the current state of state legislation and implementation of human rights standards within the Russian Federation. The final section of this strand is informed by a comparative analysis of implementation measures taken by Finland in the area of language rights. However, throughout all chapters, we focus on identifying possible legislative suggestions which can effectively improve the level of Indigenous language protection.
Restricted Access
Indigenous rights , Russia , Finland , Language rights , Saami , Soviet law
Kavanagh, E. 2024. The language rights of Indigenous Peoples within the Russian Federation. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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