Ultrasonically powered and controlled microsystem for dual-wavelength optogenetics with a multiload regulation scheme
Rashidi, Amin
Zamani, Milad
Mondal, Tanmay
Hosseini, Seyedsina
Laursen, Kjeld
Corbett, Brian
Moradi, Farshad
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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This letter presents an ultrasonically powered dual-wavelength optogenetic device that targets simultaneous excitation and inhibition of neural activities, or in a broader sense, optical stimulation in two distinct wavelengths for targeting different populations of neurons. This can be applied to a variety of neurological disorders. The device features a load regulator circuit that shares the available power budget between two μ LEDs in a power-efficient and controlled way suppressing the need for adaptive matching and overvoltage protection circuits. Furthermore, the regulator circuit is capable of detecting power burst availability on the device and generating a control signal, accordingly. For 5.25 -mW acoustic power at the device’s surface, the rectified voltage, and the total current load of the system are regulated to 2.79 V and 600 μA , respectively. The maximum chip and device efficiencies of 92.5% and 31.8% are measured, respectively. The total die area in 180- nm CMOS technology nose and the estimated system volume are 0.16 mm2 and 0.572 mm3 , respectively.
Aperture efficiency , Dual-wavelength optogenetics , Dust , Load regulator , Piezoelectric , Ultrasonic power transfer
Rashidi, A., Zamani, M., Mondal, T., Hosseini, S., Laursen, K., Corbett, B. and Moradi, F. (2023) 'Ultrasonically powered and controlled microsystem for dual-wavelength optogenetics with a multiload regulation scheme', IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, 6, pp.33-36. https://doi.org/10.1109/LSSC.2023.3239601
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