D-LiTE: A platform for evaluating DASH performance over a simulated LTE network
Quinlan, Jason J.
Raca, Darijo
Zahran, Ahmed H.
Khalid, Ahmed
Ramakrishnan, K. K.
Sreenan, Cormac J.
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In this demonstration we present a platform that encompasses all of the components required to realistically evaluate the performance of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) over a real-time NS-3 simulated network. Our platform consists of a network-attached storage server with DASH video clips and a simulated LTE network which utilises the NS-3 LTE module provided by the LENA project. We stream to clients running an open-source player with a choice of adaptation algorithms. By providing a user interface that offers user parametrisation to modify both client and LTE settings, we can view the evaluated results of real-time interactions between the network and the clients. Of special interest is that our platform streams actual video clips to real video clients in real-time over a simulated LTE network, allowing reproducible experiments and easy modification of LTE and client parameters. The demonstration showcases how changes in LTE network settings (fading model, scheduler, client distance from eNB, etc.), as well as video-related decisions at the clients (streaming algorithm, quality selection, clip selection, etc.), can impact on the delivery and achievable quality.
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP , DASH , NS-3 , LTE , Streaming media , Real-time systems , Adaptive systems , Servers , Open source software , User interfaces , Throughput
Quinlan, J. J., Raca, D., Zahran, A. H., Khalid, A., Ramakrishnan, K. K. and Sreenan, C. J. 'D-LiTE: A platform for evaluating DASH performance over a simulated LTE network'. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Rome, Italy, 13-15 June 2016, 1-2. doi: 10.1109/LANMAN.2016.7548874
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