Return of the King: time-series photometry of FO Aquarii’s initial recovery from its unprecedented 2016 low state

dc.contributor.authorLittlefield, Colin
dc.contributor.authorGarnavich, Peter M.
dc.contributor.authorKennedy, Mark R.
dc.contributor.authorAadland, E.
dc.contributor.authorTerndrup, D. M.
dc.contributor.authorCalhoun, G. V.
dc.contributor.authorCallanan, Paul J.
dc.contributor.authorAbe, L.
dc.contributor.authorBendjoya, P.
dc.contributor.authorRivet, J. P.
dc.contributor.authorVernet, D.
dc.contributor.authorDevogéle, M.
dc.contributor.authorShappee, B.
dc.contributor.authorHoloien, T.
dc.contributor.authorHeras, T. A.
dc.contributor.authorBonnardeau, M.
dc.contributor.authorCook, M.
dc.contributor.authorCoulter, D.
dc.contributor.authorDebackére, A.
dc.contributor.authorDvorak, S.
dc.contributor.authorFoster, J. R.
dc.contributor.authorGoff, W.
dc.contributor.authorHambsch, F. J.
dc.contributor.authorHarris, B.
dc.contributor.authorMyers, G.
dc.contributor.authorNelson, P.
dc.contributor.authorPopov, V.
dc.contributor.authorSolomon, R.
dc.contributor.authorStein, W. L.
dc.contributor.authorStone, G.
dc.contributor.authorVietje, B.
dc.contributor.funderNational Science Foundationen
dc.contributor.funderNational Aeronautics and Space Administrationen
dc.contributor.funderUniversity College Corken
dc.contributor.funderThe Naughton Foundation, Irelanden
dc.contributor.funderCenter for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP), United Statesen
dc.contributor.funderMt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation, United Statesen
dc.contributor.funderRobert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund, United Statesen
dc.contributor.funderGeorge Skestosen
dc.description.abstractIn 2016 May, the intermediate polar FO Aqr was detected in a low state for the first time in its observational history. We report time-resolved photometry of the system during its initial recovery from this faint state. Our data, which includes high-speed photometry with cadences of just 2 s, show the existence of very strong periodicities at 22.5 and 11.26 minutes, equivalent to the spin–orbit beat frequency and twice its value, respectively. A pulse at the spin frequency is also present but at a much lower amplitude than is normally observed in the bright state. By comparing our power spectra with theoretical models, we infer that a substantial amount of accretion was stream-fed during our observations, in contrast to the disk-fed accretion that dominates the bright state. In addition, we find that FO Aqr's rate of recovery has been unusually slow in comparison to rates of recovery seen in other magnetic cataclysmic variables, with an e-folding time of 115 ± 7 days. The recovery also shows irregular variations in the median brightness of as much as 0.2 mag over a 10-day span. Finally, we show that the arrival times of the spin pulses are dependent upon the system's overall brightness.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (under award AST-1411685 to the Ohio State University; NSF grant AST-0908816 and CCAPP at the Ohio State University, AST-1515927 ); NASA (through Hubble Fellowship grant HF-51348.001 awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS 5-26555.); University College Cork (Strategic Research Fund);en
dc.description.statusPeer revieweden
dc.description.versionPublished Versionen
dc.identifier.citationColin, L. et al (2016) 'Return of the King: Time-series Photometry of FO Aquarii’s Initial Recovery from its Unprecedented 2016 Low State', The Astrophysical Journal, 833(1), pp. 93. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/833/1/93en
dc.identifier.journaltitleAstrophysical Journalen
dc.publisherAmerican Astronomical Society; IOP Publishingen
dc.rights© 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.en
dc.subjectAccretion disksen
dc.subjectBinaries: eclipsingen
dc.subjectNovae cataclysmic variablesen
dc.subjectStars: individual (FO Aqr)en
dc.subjectStars: magnetic fielden
dc.subjectWhite dwarfsen
dc.titleReturn of the King: time-series photometry of FO Aquarii’s initial recovery from its unprecedented 2016 low stateen
dc.typeArticle (peer-reviewed)en
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