Early years education in Germany and Ireland - a study of provision and curricular implementation in two unique environments

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Horgan, Mary
Douglas, Francis G.
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Taylor & Francis
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper highlights the differences and similarities between a Kindergarten outside Bremen in Lower Saxony, Germany and a Primary School Junior Infant Class in County Cork, Republic of Ireland. Both are concerned with the education of the young child but whereas the Kindergarten is attended by three to six year olds, the Junior Infant Class caters almost exclusively for four to five year old children. A case study account of both groups is given and an analysis of the activities which took place in each using the 'Target Child Observational Schedule' is presented in bar-graph form. The paper concludes that Erzieherinnen, Kinderpflegerinnen and Junior Infant Class teachers need to engage in more interaction with the children in order, in particular, to raise the frequency and quality of linguistic interaction. An increase in the structure of the children's play would help to enhance cognitive development.
Curriculum , Early childhood education , Primary school , Teacher training , Preschool
Horgan, M., Douglas, F., 1995. Early years education in Germany and Ireland - a study of provision and curricular implementation in two unique environments. International Journal of Early Years Education, 3(3), pp.51-67.