Pseudocapacitance of α-CoMoO4 nanoflakes in non-aqueous electrolyte and its bi-functional electro catalytic activity for methanol oxidation
Accepted version
Padmanathan, Narayanasamy
Shao, Han
Selladurai, Subramanian
Glynn, Colm
O'Dwyer, Colm
Razeeb, Kafil M.
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Nanocrystalline cobalt molybdate (CoMoO4) nanoflakes were grown directly on carbon fibre cloth (CFC) via a simple hydrothermal method without any template or surfactant. A symmetric supercapacitor was fabricated using CoMoO4 nanoflakes/CFC as both negative and positive electrodes. The device has delivered the maximum specific capacitance of 8.3 F g−1 at a constant current density of 1 A g−1 in organic electrolyte. It offers the reasonable energy (2.6 Wh kg−1) and power density (748.8 W kg−1) as comparable to the carbon based symmetric supercapacitors. As a catalyst for methanol oxidation, the CoMoO4 nanoflakes showed high current density (25 mA cm−2) and low onset potential (0.38 V). The impressive bi-functional electrochemical activity of CoMoO4 on CFC is mainly attributed to its porous microstructure, where reasonable electrical conductivity resulted from binder-free and intimate metal oxide/substrate integration.
Electrode , Symmetric supercapacitor , Electro-oxidation , Methanol fuel cell
Padmanathan, N., Shao, H., Selladurai, S., Glynn, C., O'Dwyer, C. and Razeeb, K. M. (2015) 'Pseudocapacitance of α-CoMoO4 nanoflakes in non-aqueous electrolyte and its bi-functional electro catalytic activity for methanol oxidation', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(46), pp. 16297-16305. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.09.127