An exploration of the impact of foster placement breakdown on foster carers
Published Version
Roche, Eimear
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Community-Academic Research Links, University College Cork
Published Version
Background to the Study: This research has come about through the Science Shop Project within UCC. The CSO who proposed this research are The Irish Foster Care Association-Waterford Branch. IFCA-Waterford proposed that the impact of placement breakdown on foster carers be explored. The Irish Foster Care Association-Waterford Branch identified a gap in the research in this area. The impact of placement breakdown on foster children is well established within the literature however the impact of placement breakdown on foster carers is not as extensively researched both within and Irish and International context. The Irish Foster Care Association- Waterford Branch acknowledged that a number of its members had experienced foster placement breakdown and it was interested in gaining a greater understanding of the impact of placement breakdown on foster carers. IFCA-Waterford sought to gain a greater understanding of foster carers needs in relation to placement breakdown, with a view to using the research findings to further the education and training of foster carers in the future.
Foster placement breakdown , Foster carers , Impact of foster placement , Irish Foster Care Association , Irish Foster Care Association - Waterford Branch
Roche, E. (2012) An exploration of the impact of foster placement breakdown on foster carers. Cork: Community-Academic Research Links, University College Cork.
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© 2012, Eimear Roche.