Pump dependence of the dynamics of quantum dot based waveguide absorbers

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Viktorov, Evgeny A.
Erneux, Thomas
Piwonski, Tomasz
Pulka, Jaroslaw
Huyet, Guillaume
Houlihan, John
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AIP Publishing
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The nonlinear two stage recovery of quantum dot based reverse-biased waveguide absorbers is investigated experimentally and analytically as a function of the initial ground state occupation probability of the dot. The latter is controlled experimentally by the pump pulse power. The slow stage of the recovery is exponential and its basic timescale is independent of pump power. The fast stage of the recovery is a logistic function which we analyze in detail. The relative strength of slow to fast components is highlighted and the importance of higher order absorption processes at the highest pump level is demonstrated. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729155)
Saturable absorption , Lasers , Quantum dots , Multiphoton absorption , Excited states , Ground states , Materials properties
Viktorov, E. A., Erneux, T., Piwonski, T., Pulka, J., Huyet, G. and Houlihan, J. (2012) 'Pump dependence of the dynamics of quantum dot based waveguide absorbers', Applied Physics Letters, 100(24), pp. 241108. doi: 10.1063/1.4729155
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© 2012 American Institute of Physics.This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Viktorov, E. A., Erneux, T., Piwonski, T., Pulka, J., Huyet, G. and Houlihan, J. (2012) 'Pump dependence of the dynamics of quantum dot based waveguide absorbers', Applied Physics Letters, 100(24), pp. 241108 and may be found at http://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4729155